Magus (Common)

Elemental magi use the four classical elements to empower themselves; it is a raw and primal magic, and is inborn rather than taught.

Occultist (Uncommon; Covert)

These casters use the magic of forgotten races and dead gods. They fuel their bodies with Godstench, the rot of magical entities and dread outsiders, and risk madness or sickness. It's illegal, hence the covertness.

Ritualist (Rare)

Ritualists use the laws of magic and reality to accomplish utilitarian feats, such as strengthening stone and metal and binding spirits to provide power.

Shaman (Like Dirt)

There are as many types of shaman as there are days in a year, but they all make deals and bargains with spirits in exchange for power.

Dreamer (Like Hen's Teeth (Brand Spankin' New); Covert)

Dreamers are born that way. They possess the ability to walk the land of dreams and transform into draconic entities. They're being hunted by something and none of them is older than seventeen at the moment.

Summoner (Common)

Summoners are like shamans in that they have struck up a bargain, but with only one spirit, or have manifested a spirit of their own willpower called an avatar to fight for them.

Wizard (Rare)

These magic users have bargained with Fate to take away some of what makes them human to bind their souls to history and the future, in addition to books, paper, and ink.

Martial Artist (Uncommon)

Some people train their bodies to access the latent energies inside them; magi who don't flare often become martial artists instead, and they can push the limits of the human body.

Talent (Common)

Talent is a “catch-all” category for those with magic not easily defined. This category contains those born with odd strength or the ability to see the possible future or past in a limited fashion.

Paladin and Dark Knight (Rare; Covert)

Paladins are charged by Death herself to watch Dark Knights, who funnel the power away from a series of entities in order to keep them contained, and ensure that the Dark Knights don't go mad with power and stress. Covert only because they're such a side note in textbooks that most people forget about them by college.

Musician (Rare)

Musicians play with background emotions and radiations to achieve change in the world by playing to the spirits of reality itself.

Biomancer (Rare)

Feared or respected, biomancers are members of various cults that litter the Nazro deserts. They seek to reduce life to its base essence, either Stream or Plasm, and use it to change or direct the flows of life and the patterns from living things.

Syndrome Wielder (Rare; Covert)

A mysterious monster or ecosystem called Genesis flies through the universe; syndrome wielders have been infected by the alien ecosystem and either seek to devour the world or find a niche for themselves in the manascape. Covert in that the ones who are found out tend to disappear really quick.

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