Buttermilk Scones

Buttermilk Scones Veg HT CD CBF Irish 35mins
Makes 8


225g/ 8oz Self-raising Flour
A pinch of Salt
25g/1oz Butter
1 Egg, beaten
150ml/5fl.oz. Buttermilk
Milk to glaze


Preheat the oven to 220C, 425F, Gas Mark 7 and flour a baking sheet.

2. Mix the flour together with the salt in a large mixing bowl then rub in butter with your fingertips until it resembles very fine breadcrumbs.

3. Add the egg and most of the buttermilk, mixing quickly with a knife until it starts to come together and form a soft dough, adding a little extra buttermilk if necessary.

4. Turn onto a floured surface and roll out or press lightly to no less than 2.5cm/ 1 inch thickness.

5. Cut into 5cm/ 2 inch rounds, place on the baking sheet and glaze the tops with a little milk. Bake for about 15 minutes until lightly browned.


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