Naglfar - Sheol
    I'm not the biggest black metal fan in the world and dont claim to know everything about the genre but I do know what I like... and after listening to Sheol, I like Naglfar!
     This isnt the most extreme example of black metal around but
Sheol is by no means a powder puff record. The double bass almost never stops, the guitar work is technical without being cock-rockish and the vocals/lyrics are pure " demons and hellfire" type madness. The keyboard effects work with the guitars to establish a sense of melody that give the songs some sort of hook. This is good since the drumming and shrieks, although done very well, start to get a bet repetitive.
     Another shocker is how good the production is on this record is. It seems that unless your album was recorded in a rusty cabin with a my first sony for an amp, it isnt black metal. Naglfar dont fall victim to this custom and actually sound pleasing to the ear...if that makes any sense at all. Sheol is a fast paced, evil record but is balanced out with some great melody and a clear sound. "I Am Vengeance" and "Devoured by Naglfar" are standout tracks and recommended for anyone who is curious as to what black metal has to offer.
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