March 20th, 2004 @ Memories
    I had just got home from work when I recieved the call to go see Steel Remains at the last mintue. Even though I had to be up early the next morning I decided go and along. My homies and I arrived a little before 11:00pm, right before the band took the stage. I was feeling kind of bummed since I missed the other bands on the bill but those feelings quickly subsided once Steel Remains went to work.
     Despite some technical problems with the first song the band killed for the entire evening. Steel Remains play straight ahead METAL with no frills or gimmicks. Each member in their own right are great musicians (both guitarists can shred, the "screamer" doesnt need to growl to brutalize the audience and the rhythm section is insane) but its the bands songs that are the true highlight. The foot stomping groove throughout most of their songs give way to an unabashed heaviness that makes you want to beat someone to a pulp.
     This must have been the 4th or 5th time I've seen them live but their set never gets old. Each time we are treated to something new and this night was no exception. They played some songs live for the first time, including an older track from one of the members previous bands that really got the crowd going.
      Speaking of the crowd, a few "fashioncore kids" stuck around to what seems like mock all the metalheads in attendance. With their faux headbanging and throwing up metal horns every 5 seconds, I wanted to rip off their hoodies and scarves and strangle them to death. Those assholes aside, the crowd was totally receptive and for the last two songs the entire floor was one big pit. All in all it was a great show and I suggest you go see Steel Remains the next time they destroy Southern California.
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