Vital Remains - Dechristianize
    I had heard of Vital Remains before but I had never acutally heard their music. Word on the street was they put out a killer record last year with the guy from Deicide on vocals. Take into mind I dont really care all that much for Deicide so that little tid bit of information knocked some points off my interest factor. When I heard that The Black Dahlia Murder was touring in May and that the headliner was going to be Vital Remains, I finally decided to check these guys out.
     HOLY FUCK! This is one of the best death metal records I have ever heard.
Dechristianize is one sick barrage of killer riffs, insane blast beats and intricate guitar leads topped off with Glen Benton's most extreme vocal performance to date. The song writting is 1st class here. These epic songs just seem to go on and on without getting old or wearing out their welcome. Its amazing how seemlessly the songs transition from ultra fast to a sort of foot stomping/head banging groove. Thats where the solos come in...
     Dave Suzuki is the star of this record. While Tony Lazaro wrote the songs and Glen did a great job on vocals, its Dave who plays bass, drums, wrote the lyrics and came up with those amazing leads. The songs on
Dechristianize are so brutal (esp Dave's own manic drumming) that when you hear these virtuoso leads come out of nowhere it just blows your mind and steals the show. The best example of this is the 2:08 mark on "Rush of Deliverance." This has quickly become one of my favorite cds in my collection and I'm not just recommending this... I ORDER YOU...  go get Dechristianize now.
Standout tracks:

Devoured Elysium
Rush of Deliverance
Entwined by Vengeance
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