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Breath the breeze...


Thursday, April 24, 2003

Wow! Somebody signed my GB!!! I'm so excited!!
Anyways... I have another break from uni next week... the only problem is that it's the most important holiday here where I live... (look for "Sevilla + feria" ha!) Well, some other people say the most important is the Holy Week, but I don't think so...
Anyways, I'll try to do something, but I can't make any promises...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Long time no updates...
Well, what can I do? This site has no success at all!
I'll try to do something, but I can't make any promise...

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Well my girls, I've changed something again ^^
I added a new tagboard, as the old one sucks *sticks tongue out*
Yes yes, sucks a lot... I prefer the new one! They have loads of smilies!
So, what are you waiting for? Tag me baby! *lol*

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Well, rest of the site is up! ^__^ It didn't take me too long, just two days *happy face*
Now, I need a rest...
Meanwhile, if you're bored, please go visit What Rosiel Wants. We need more players *winks*
Ohhhh my!! 1500 hits! That's great! Isn't it? *relax*
So, looks like this layout rocks, right? Do you like it or it's just me?
Anyways, I'm uploading the rest of the site, and tomorrow I'll be starting with Juliane and Maple Tide's fanfictions *big grin*

Monday, April 14, 2003

Hey! Have you seen this blogger? Wow, it's just me or is it changing colors in the background? *lol* Funny one!
Well, what do you think? Cool one aye? Heehee!! Me happy! I finally managed to find out the way those layouts go! And I think I'm doing it pretty well right?
Well, half of the site is up. I'll upload the rest tomorrow. And, finally, I'll upload Juliane & Maple Tide's, also my friend Isilme and well... if I ever finish it, the one I'm writing and the others I have ^^

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Ohhh My Goddes!!!
I know most of you are gonna kill me... I'm very sorry guys! But I saw this lovely layout and I gotta use it!! Don't worry, it will be the last "change" *lol* (...) *lol* Ok, now serious...
You're gonna like it, girls, you'll see ;) Trust in me!

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Well, what do you think?
Full Moon Dreamers is not completely back, but... kind of... Only the Guestbook button works. The rest is down still.
Anyways just tell me what you think.

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