The Consequences Of Silly Games When You're A Hormonal Teenager And Your Best Friend Is Really Really Hot

~September 4th 1976~

James pulled his robe down and jumped off the windowsill, blushing furiously so his face was almost the same colour as the crimson velvet armchair into which he threw himself.

"Argh! They saw me! I'm gonna get in so much trouble!" Everyone laughed, and he glared at Peter. "Mooning the girls' flying lesson! Honestly, Pete, this voyeuristic streak is worrying. Maybe you should see a counsellor."

Remus giggled along with the rest of them. All the Gryffindors in their year had a free lesson, and because it was the first week of term they had no homework to do, so Sirius had suggested a game of truth or dare. He'd convinced Remus, James and Peter straightaway, and James' girlfriend Lily had managed to get the other Gryffindor girls, Sarah McGregor, Lydia Bale and Polly Meyers, to join in. Of course, being sixteen years old and bored, they made all the questions and dares as risqué as possible.

Polly grinned at Sirius. "Truth or dare, Mr Black?"

He smiled back, his own eyes glinting in a similar way. "Well, Miss Meyers... you already know all there is to know about me..." He raised his eyebrow suggestively before continuing, and Polly blushed. "I suppose it has to be a dare."

Lydia clapped her hands excitedly and all four girls huddled together, whispering and giggling. Finally, they decided, and Polly spoke up again.

"Sirius... we dare you to kiss Remus, for a whole minute, with tongues!"

He paused for a moment. "Well..." he said slowly. "I can't do that unless Remus wants to. It's not his dare. It wouldn't be fair to make him do it."

Everyone gasped; was Sirius Black really practically refusing the offer of a no-strings-attached snog?

"Aw, go on, Remus!" Sarah pleaded. She rested her head on the arm of Remus' chair, stuck her bottom lip out, and made her eyes huge and imploring. Remus burst out laughing again.

"Okay, okay, put the puppy dog eyes away!" he said. "You could talk a man into murder with that look. I'm up for it if you are, Sirius."

The girls whooped and cheered, and began counting down from ten, keeping in time with the second hand on the huge grandfather clock in the common room. Remus felt perfectly calm... amused, even, at the girls' reactions. He'd never had that sort of feeling for Sirius before, and he was sure Sirius had never thought of him Like That either. It was just a kiss.

Sirius got up off the floor, and all of a sudden climbed onto Remus' lap, straddling his legs. "If we're going to do this, we're going to do it properly," he murmured, and just then the girls got to one. Sirius smiled, tilted Remus' chin up, leaned forwards and kissed him. Straightaway, Remus got butterflies in his stomach. //This isn't a joke kiss,// he thought. It felt too good, too right not to be real. As the girls giggled and squealed and counted off the minute, the kiss deepened. Remus ran the tip of his tongue across Sirius' lips, tasting the chocolate he'd been eating, and Sirius moaned softly against Remus' parted mouth. When the girls got to sixty and yelled stop, Remus grasped at Sirius' long hair and didn't let him move away. He released him cautiously after a few seconds, waiting for him to jump up and take a bow or something, but he didn't. Instead, he slid one hand around the back of Remus' neck, and Remus felt the fingers of the other brush his cheek softly... and then they both felt something cold and wet drench them from above. Sirius pulled away, spluttering, and promptly fell right off the chair with a strangled yell of surprise. Remus wiped his eyes and looked up in confusion. It was James, holding some flowers in one hand and a vase in the other.

"I thought you two could use a cold shower," he said, smirking at his friends and shaking the last drips of water at Remus as if to emphasise his point. The girls glared at him; they'd been enjoying the show immensely. Sirius dried himself off with a quick wave of his wand, and collapsed in the chair opposite Remus.

"Bloody hell, Remus," he said, breathlessly. "Where'd you learn to kiss like that?"

"Like what?" Remus asked in confusion. It was a kiss. Admittedly, it was a damn good one, but it was just a kiss, and Sirius'd had so many of them before.

"Like a nymphomaniac on Death Row!"

"Death Row?"

"You should pay more attention in Muggle Studies. Never mind." Sirius fell silent, and Remus looked at the floor in embarrassment. He could feel Sirius' eyes on him, and was suddenly uncomfortable.

"Whose turn is it now?" Remus asked, hoping his voice didn't sound as shaky as it did in his head.

Lydia looked at Lily. "Truth or dare, Lil?"

Lily bit her lip mischievously. "Please dare me to kiss Remus!" she begged. That broke the spell -- everyone laughed and James glared at Remus in a good-natured sort of way that said 'I love you to bits, but if you touch her I'll murder you!'

Remus caught Sirius' eye a few more times during the game, but he looked away quickly every time. Something about the deep blue flecked with tiny hints of grey made him squirm inside, but not in a bad way. He could still taste Sirius' chocolate in his mouth and feel his fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, and it didn't take him long to realise he'd suddenly fallen in love with his best friend.

~December 25th, 1977~

The bright winter sunlight glinting on the snow outside shone through the window and dissolved Sirius' dream, like a wave on a sandcastle. He stretched and tried to remember it. It was so beautiful... but he couldn't remember, no matter how hard he tried. He thought it might have been about gorgeous amber eyes, but then again it probably wasn't. He'd had gorgeous amber eyes on the brain ever since that game of truth and dare over a year ago.

It suddenly struck Sirius what day it was, and he grabbed his wand. "Accio curtains!" he said, and the drapes around James, Peter and Remus' beds tore free and flew across the room towards him, finally crashing into the wall and landing in an untidy red heap on the floor. "Wake up!" Sirius shouted. "What are you doing? It's Christmas, and it's snowing! Wake up!"

Peter and James just stuck their hands out from under the blankets and made very rude gestures at Sirius, but Remus opened his eyes and smiled at his friend.
"Happy Christmas, Sirius," he murmured sleepily. "Honestly... you're worse than a child!"

"Oh, c'mon, come over here and start unwrapping!" Sirius said excitedly. He shook the boxes at the end of his bed and listened to the rattling until Remus had put his dressing gown on, picked up his own presents, and sat down on the edge of Sirius' bed. His teeth were chattering with the cold, and Sirius glanced at him.

"Get under the blankets if you're cold," he said, then turned his face aside so Remus couldn't see his flushed cheeks. He turned back when he felt his friend lift the blankets and get into bed, then smiled shyly and handed him a box. "Happy Christmas, Remus!" Remus handed Sirius his present too, and they both grinned and tore the paper off.

"How to Charm a Muggle Motorbike in Ten Easy Steps... Wow, Remus, this is brilliant!"

"And stupid. You'll end up in serious trouble with the Ministry, you know..."

"Oh, I don't care. Do you like your present?"

Remus looked at it for the first time. A black t-shirt, with something printed on the front in gold. He looked closer...

"Do you want to ride my broomstick?" he read out loud, and laughed. "Sirius!"

Sirius tried to look innocent. "What?"

"Where exactly do you expect me to wear this? I doubt the teachers will approve. And I know my parents definitely won't!"

"What are you talking about, Remus?" Sirius asked sweetly. "It's a perfectly clean, simple question about Quidditch."

"Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Sirius."

"Thanks for the book."

Remus looked uncomfortable. "What do we do now?"

"I don't know..." Sirius said. "I think we do this." He hit Remus lightly on the shoulder. "It's the butch, manly way of saying 'thanks a lot, and you're my best friend'."

"Yes, but..."

"But what?"


"But what, Remus?"

"Nothing! Okay. I mean, that just seems a bit... incomplete, don't you think?"
Sirius bit his lip gently and cocked his head to the side as he considered what Remus had said. "Now you come to mention it, yeah, I suppose it does. So... what do you want to do?"

Both the boys blushed and looked away, then slowly looked back as they realised their reactions had been identical.

"Are you... you're not thinking what I'm thinking, are you?" Remus asked carefully.

"Well..." Sirius grinned. "I'm thinking about you naked. What are you thinking about?"

Remus didn't get a chance to answer, because all of a sudden they were kissing again. Neither of them was sure who had started it, but they didn't care because neither wanted it to end. The remaining presents fell off the bed, and under the blankets Sirius pulled Remus on top of him. Remus began tugging at his friend's nightshirt, but Sirius suddenly broke off the kiss and looked at Remus, biting his lip hard.

"What's wrong?" Remus asked.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just... well, are you sure you want to do this?"

Remus laughed a little. "Sirius Black refusing sex? Wow. That must be a first."

"Shut up!" Sirius buried his face in Remus' hair and kissed his neck softly. "I want this more than I've ever wanted anything before in my life. I want you. But you're my best friend, and I couldn't bear losing that. What if it gets weird afterwards?"

Remus leaned forwards and kissed Sirius again. "It won't get weird. I love you, Sirius."

Sirius raised his eyebrows with a smile. "That was weird. I didn't know you were gay, by the way."

"Um..." Remus paused and frowned slightly as he thought. "I don't think I am, really," he said finally. "It's just you. I don't walk down the corridor and think 'Cor, Lucius is looking really hot today' the way you do. I only notice Sarah and Lydia and the other girls. And you."

"Oho!" Sirius grinned again. "You fancy Sarah?"

Remus blushed. "Well... it was kind of... more than that, if you know what I mean..."

Sirius gaped at him. "You... Sarah... you and Sarah...?" Remus nodded, and Sirius fell back on the pillows, looking stunned. "Wow. Congratulations. You know, she's the only girl who's ever been able to resist my charms and say no to me?" Remus rolled his eyes. "So..." Sirius continued with another sly smile. "When was that?"

"Uh... remember that game of truth and dare?" Sirius smirked dirtily and nodded. "Well, that night, she... um... it doesn't matter, anyway."

"Aw! I'm intrigued now! Will you tell me another time, then?"

"Um... okay, maybe." Remus squirmed in embarrassment and Sirius fought to keep in a moan as the delicious friction sent shivers up and down his body. "Can't we talk about something else?"

"Talk? What good's talking in a situation like this?" Sirius murmured, and he kissed Remus again. "I love you too," he whispered into Remus' ear, emphasising his words with a little nibble that made Remus half-close his eyes and sigh with pleasure.


"Yeah. And I've wanted this since that game."

"So have I."

"Then shut up and stop wasting time."

Remus and Sirius smiled against each other's lips, and Remus moved his hands from Sirius' face down to the front of his nightshirt. He unbuttoned it, then kissed his way down Sirius' body until his lips came into contact with his shorts.

"These have got to go," Remus murmured, his soft voice vibrating on Sirius' skin and making him writhe in anticipation, excruciatingly pleasurable anticipation. He slipped his fingers under the waistband and pulled the shorts down Sirius' legs, then tossed them onto the floor with the presents. He gripped Sirius' erection softly and kissed the tip, then licked the moisture off his lips. "I've never done this before. You'll have to tell me if I'm doing it right, okay?"

Sirius gasped and nodded -- he barely even knew what he was agreeing to, he was so worked up -- then cried out in helpless (yet willing) abandon when he felt himself surrounded by the wet warmth of Remus' mouth. Remus cast a Locking Charm and Silencing Charm on the curtains, then ran his hands across Sirius' flat stomach and took his erection in his mouth again, gagging slightly when it touched the back of his throat. Sirius lifted his head so he could look down at Remus.

"Slow down, I don't want you to choke yourself befo... oh!" //God... not bad for a beginner...// "God! Okay, yeah, your way works too..." //Scratch that... he's a natural...// "Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

Sirius let out a little gaspy moan of near-annoyance when Remus let go of him and sat up a bit, wiping spit from his lips. "I think I'd remember if I had, Sirius," he said with a smile.

"Yeah... all right, it's not exactly the sort of thing you forget in a hurry, is it?" Sirius said breathlessly. He almost passed out at the feral gleam that lit up in Remus' amber eyes at that.

"You won't be forgetting this in a hurry," Remus murmured. He bent his head again, and slid his lips ever so slowly down Sirius' erection. He grabbed Sirius' hips and held them firmly to stop him wriggling about, and carried on until his nose rested in the dark curls at the base. He paused for a second or two, until Sirius tangled his hands in Remus' grey-brown hair, urging him to move. Remus dragged his flushed lips up and down the length of Sirius' cock, caressing it with his tongue and sucking on it gently for what seemed like hours. Sirius, in turn, began lifting his hips in time with Remus' movements, tentatively at first then, when he was sure he wasn't hurting his friend or anything, more boldly in a silent plea for release. Suddenly, though, he changed his mind and pushed Remus away. Remus looked up at him quizzically.

"Remus... if you touch me again I swear, I'll explode!"

Remus moved back up the bed beside Sirius and kissed him. "Well... I know I'm a beginner, but I kind of thought that was the idea."

"Shut up, smart-arse!" Recovering quite nicely from the near-debilitating intensity of the last few minutes, Sirius pulled Remus' shorts and t-shirt off slowly as they kissed, and began caressing his slim body, never quite reaching the part Remus so desperately wanted him to touch. "We've got all day today, and all day tomorrow, and all the rest of our lives." Finally, his cold hand gripped Remus' cock and began moving up and down in long, slow strokes. Remus closed his eyes and let out a soft moan that was more a growl than anything else. "If we felt as good as you do now for all that time, we'd never get anything done."

Remus bit his lip against the cries of passion he could feel starting to form. "I wouldn't... care... if we never did any... ohh!... anything else ever again..."
Sirius laughed softly. "What? Nothing? Not even this?" Hiss lips traced a path of kisses and licks and little bites down Remus' shaking body, until his mouth had replaced his hand. Sirius licked at Remus' cock gently for a while, then swallowed it deep to the back of his throat. He heard a muffled sound and looked up; Remus was hiding his cries with the help of Sirius' pillow.

"It's all right," Sirius said. "They can't hear anything, you cast the silencing charm."

Remus threw the pillow aside and growled again -- Sirius wasn't sure what to think when he was suddenly very much turned on by the decidedly animal sound... not that he needed to be 'turned on' when he was lying between the spread legs of the most gorgeous person in the school, of course. He felt Remus tugging on his hair almost impatiently, guiding him back; he got the message and took Remus' cock in his mouth again, nearly being pushed right over the edge himself when he heard Remus' uninhibited cries and pleas.

Remus opened his eyes and looked down at Sirius. His cheeks were flushed with passion and desire, and his eyes sparkled with mischief. He pulled his lips to the end of Remus' cock then gave it one last kiss on the tip before raising himself up on his elbows slightly and murmuring, with a wide smile, "I bet Jamie and Peter wish they'd got up when I told them to now."

Remus laughed breathlessly. "I could cope with Jamie, but Peter? Ugh! You know I love him to bits as a friend, but... ugh! Imagine him naked!"

"Jamie? So, you fancy Jamie now, do you?" Sirius pretended to sulk, and Remus pulled playfully at his hair again until he was lying beside him.

"I do not fancy Jamie! I'm just appreciating his... aesthetic qualities. I love you, Sirius."

Sirius covered Remus' face in kisses, whispering, "I love you too, Remus... you're so beautiful... I love you... I want you so badly..."

Remus reached his hands up and held Sirius' face still so he could look into his dark blue eyes. "Then take me," he said. All vestiges of teasing humour disappeared with those three words, and Sirius looked at him carefully.

"Are you... sure?" Sirius asked. "It'll probably hurt a bit... I'd hate to hurt you."

"I know you'd never hurt me on purpose. I love you, and yes, I'm sure."

"Okay." Sirius muttered a lubricating charm, and Remus started giggling again.

"Did Professor Flitwick teach you that charm?" he asked innocently. Sirius turned white and looked disgusted.

"Ugh! Are you crazy? You really think I'd ask Flitwick about sex aids?"

"Well, I don't know. You did ask Professor Moore if there'd ever been a foreign body in Uranus," Remus pointed out. Both boys burst into fits of uncontrollable giggles as they remembered how the fat old Astronomy professor had done his best to explain that yes, comets and meteorites often travel through Uranus, all the time blinking owlishly through his thick glasses at the students, who were rolling on the floor roaring with laughter.

"I'd forgotten about that!" Sirius said as their laughter slowly died down and eventually stopped. He suddenly became serious again. "Okay. I'm going to put my finger inside you now. Tell me if I hurt you, or you want me to stop, all right?" Remus nodded, then squeezed his eyes shut and hissed softly at the unfamiliar sensation as Sirius pushed one fingertip inside him. "Are you okay?" Sirius asked anxiously, and Remus nodded again. After a while Sirius added another finger, and gradually pushed them in further, all the time nibbling gently on Remus' earlobe and whispering to him. Slowly, Remus relaxed, and Sirius put a third finger inside him, stretching him out gently.


"Do you want me to stop?"

"Do you want a black eye? No, I don't want you to stop!"

"What is it, then?"

"Nothing. Everything. I love you."

"Love you too. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, if you are."

Sirius lifted Remus' legs and entered him as slowly as he could. He watched his friend's face carefully for any signs of discomfort, but he was either good at hiding it or he was fine. From the gasps and moans he was making, it seemed to be the latter. Sirius began thrusting gently, propping himself up on one hand whilst the other stroked Remus' erection, first slowly, then gathering speed as his moans intensified.

Remus cried out as Sirius touched something inside him that made his whole body seem to burn. Sirius just smiled knowingly and quickened his movement a little.

"The main reason I'm bisexual, my friend, is this." On the word this, Sirius hit that spot again, and Remus just about turned into a little puddle of Remus-flavoured goo on the sheets. Sirius shifted his position slightly and Remus cried out as the apex of his thrusts found that spot over and over... waves of pleasure swept over his body, making his hands clench into fists around handfuls of sheets, making him tip his head back and gaze at the deep red velvet canopy over the bed as if it held all the secrets of the universe... he was burning, melting, and he never wanted it to end...

Sirius seemed to find all this deliciously funny. "You heterosexuals," he went on, teasingly, "you have no idea... no idea at all, what... pleasure... is." Again, he emphasised his words by driving himself deep into Remus' body, making him squirm and moan and beg for more.

"Okay, Sirius, that's it, now I'm gay! I'm so gay, I'm the gayest person I know! This... god, I love you..."

Sirius snorted with laughter and Remus grinned at him, then Sirius bit his lip hard and shuddered as he came. The warm feeling inside him made Remus cry out again, and almost straightaway he followed, spurting hot fluid all over their stomachs. Sirius pulled out of Remus and collapsed facedown into the pillows, and Remus stroked his friend's back gently as their racing hearts and deep breathing returned to normal, and the stars and spots dancing in front of their eyes went away. Sirius muttered something, but the pillows muffled the words.

"What was that, love?"

He lifted his head slightly and looked at Remus anxiously through a curtain of long black hair. "I said, doyouwannabemyboyfriend?"

"I can't hear you. Slow down. What did you say?"

"Do you want... um... will you... will you be my boyfriend?

"After a performance like that? Are you crazy? What do you think?" Remus' face lit up as he smiled widely, then he grabbed Sirius' shoulders and turned him over so he could cover his face in kisses.

"...Is that a yes?"

"Yes, you great prat, of course it's a yes!" They kissed again, then just lay in each others arms for a long time, until Remus said, "C'mon, we should get up. I bet even Jamie and Pete are awake now."

Sirius sighed dramatically. "Okay," he said. They cleaned themselves up and got dressed quickly, then Sirius waved his wand at the curtains and threw them open. He looked bemusedly at James and Peter who were sitting up in their beds with very red faces, then a huge smile spread across his face and he kissed Remus again. "I think you need more practice with your charms, love."


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