
The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Performed by the Aman Folk Orchestra

Track List

1. Lord of the Vampires

2. Main Title

3. Welcome to Romania

4. Danse Macabre

5. A Taste for Blood

6. Stefan Gives Chase

7. The Defensive Wall / While Princes Sleep

8. Eternal Thirst

9. The Legend Revealed

10. Death at the Mask Dance

11. Bring Me the Bloodstone /
Evil in the Woods

12. The King is Dead

13. Exploring the Village

14. Love Theme

15. Subspecies' Lust

16. Funeral for Lillian

17. Where Lies Radu

18. Leave While You Can

19. Radu Must Be Destroyed

20. Saved by the Vampires

21. The Vampiress Rises

22. Holy Ground

23. Swords of the Undead

24. Blood Marriage


The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Performed by The Aman Folk Orchestra

Melodies of the Undead

The bloodsucking myths have flowed from the time of Medieval warlords to the electronic age, our eternal fascination with the undead giving rise to hundreds of vampire films.  SUBSPECIES is the first to be shot in Transylvania, the tortured land that gave birth to these creatures.  Though the country has just emerged from the revolution, three beautiful researchers discover a centuries' long blood feud between two vampire brothers.  While Seefan (Michael Watson) desperately tries to overcome his animal instincts, the twisted Radu (Andrew Hove) revels in the dark magic, creating tiny demons in his quest for power.  Only one sibling will possess the bloodstone, an ancient relic the rules the vampire realm.  This horrific battle is given ancient and poweful life by SUBSPECIES' haunting music, a maelific fusion of high-tech synthesizers and Eastern European folk tuines.

The blood marriage of SUBSPECIES' rhythms comes from an uncanny twist of fate, as director Ted Nicolaou chanced upon live Transylvanian music on his car radio.  The performers were the Aman Folk Orchestra, specialist in world music who could go from Romanian melodies to Appalachian squre dances.  Nicolaou immediately contracted John Zeretzke, Aman's musical director, to provide the authentic melodies for SUBSPECIES.  Much of his field work had already been done by Stuart Brotman, an enthnomusicologist who also played folk music for LOVE AT FIRST BITE and THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE.

SUBSPECIES' main score was composed by Richard Kosinski and Michael Portis.  Beside producing the album, their recent film credits include MGM's THE RUNNING KIND and Paramount's CRAZY PEOPLE.  Portis, Kosinski an Aman used an array of electronic and ethnic instruments for SUBSPECIES' dark atmosphere.  A harp-like cimbalon became the aging, peacful King (Angus Scrimm).  When Radu appears to slay his father, a processed, bowed string base created the nerve-twisting rumble that would embody the insane vampire.  A Bulgarian harmony foretells the girls' tragic fate with Hungarian voices singing "veil of tears under the earth" for their funeral lament.  Karl's shrewd theme is played on a gardon, a hollow log cello that would be hit with a drumstick, then underlined with eerie sythesizers.

For SUBSPECIES' vampire celebrations, "Danse Macabre" uses Transylvanian folk fiddling, a Turkish oboe, a viola, and a davul, while "Death at the Mask Dance" has a violin and Gypsy mouth music, turning human voices into percussion instruments.  The film's tender love theme mixes Gypsy bravado with a Romanian violin.  Other unique instruments would include a fuyara (a Ramanian whistle).  These eclectic playing styles owe themselves to Tansylvania's embattled history, which has seen the country change borders with Hungary, Romania and Turkey, intermingling the people and their ghostly superstitions.

SUBSPECIES is an unearthly brew of sounds, capturing the progression of music from folk playing to computer energy.  Listen to its haunting melodies, and know the forces that have shaped our oldest, and most sensual killers.

- Daniel Scwiger
Album Supervisor

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