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They walk.  They talk.  They kill.

From the maker of RE-ANIMATOR and FROM BEYOND comes the horrifying nightmare DOLLS!  Astounding special ehhects and ghoulish humor mix in a screaming delight that's all dolled up and waiting for you.

When David Bower, his wife Rosemary, and daughter Judy get stranded in a violent thunderstorm, they seek shelter in the only place they can find - a mysterious gothic mansion inhabited by the haunting Hartwickes and thousands of seemingly harmless hand-made dolls.  The storm also brought a young businessman and two hitch-hiking punk rockers to the spooky "dollhouse".  Once warm and dry, the group settles in for what they think will be a restful night.  But later, the dolls come to life, attacking all but a lucky few.  The Dolls want to play house... and after they're done, there may be no house left!  These DOLLS mean business... deadly business.

"Stuart Gordon, the director behind such classy creepers as "Re-Animator" and "From Beyond", has done it again with "Dolls", a fairy tale combining gentle whimsy with a dash of bloody terror."
-The Hollywood Reporter

Total Running Time Aprox. 77 Minutes
Rated: R
The Dungeonmaster

He is The Overlord of Strange Beasts
and Stolen Souls.

RICHARD MOLL (METALSTORM: THE DESTRUCTION OF JARED SYN) and JEFFREY BYRON star in this futuristic thriller about an evil wizard who wandes the galaxies in search of a formidable opponent to play hi brutal and very dealy game.

Paul Bradford (BYRON) is an ace troubleshooter for a large computer company.  His secret to success is his uncanny ability to communicate with a technologically advanced computer.  Through a master computer, the hulking warlord Mestema (MOLL), learns about Paul's abilities and forces him to participate in a highly bizarre "Dungeons and Dragons"-like game.  To assure that Paul gives no resistance.  Mestema captures his girlfriend.  Paul confronts zombies, giant stone creatures and evil wandering souls of the universe.  The stakes: his life and the life of the woman he loves.

You may play the game... but remember, THE DUNGEONMASTER never loses a soul!

Total Running Time Approx. 80 Minutes
Rated: PG-13

The Dungeonmaster is a collaboration of the work of seven directors

The British title for The Dungeonmaster is Ragewar.

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