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The Pit & The Pendulum

A Stuart Gordon Film

A Bizarre Decent Into Hell,
Inspired by Edgar Allen Poe,
Directed by Stuart Gordon,
  The Creator of RE-ANIMATOR

Video Bonus! Full Moon's VIDEOZONE
Behind-The-Scenes Video Magazine

In his twisted quest to save souls, Grand Inquisitor Torquemada (
Lance Henriksen, ALIENS, NEAR DARK) leads a bloody reign to terror, torturing and killing in the name of religion.  His evil knows no boundaries.  Caught in this insane cruelty is Maria (Rona De Ricci), whose beauty leads Torquemada into temptation and brutal atonement.

Imprisoned, Maria and her husband Antonio (
Jonathan Fuller) are befriended by Esmerelda (Frances Bay), a confessed witch.  Togethter they struggle to save themselves from the sinister Torquemada and his machine of ultimate pain & torture - THE PIT & THE PENDULUM.

Featuring the dynamic
Oliver Reed as the Cardinal and Jeffrey Combs (RE-ANIMATOR) in a darkly comic performance as the scribe.

Total Running Time Approx. 97 Minutes
Rated R for graphic violence and nudity.

Behind the Scenes

Making Up The Pendulum

Return to Full Moon Pictures
The Pit & The Pendulum

The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Composed and Conducted By Richard Band

Liner Notes

I once got into the middle of an agrgument on a mixing stage between a composer (not Richard Band) and a sound effects designer that reminded me of that Aesop's fable about the contest between the Wind and the Sun.  The argument concerned whether to feature the sound effects or the music at a particular moment.

"Sound effects heighten the action", said the sound designer.  "They help the audience believe the reality of what they are seeing".

"But music brings out the emotions", countered the composer.  "It shows us what's going on inside the characters.  It shows us what we can't see".

I thought about this exchange a great deal, working with Richard on the music for "The Pit and the Pendulum", because what's going on inside the characters is what the movie is all about.

The conflicting emotions within Torquemada the Grand Inquisitor bring about the events that form our story.  It is a battle between the rigid doctrines of the Church and his own repressed sexual desires.

Using a mixture of liturgical music, much of it Gregorian-like chanting, and strange and twisted melody-lines, Richard has allowed us to feel the inner forces at work within this troubled man which result in the unspeakable acts Torquemada performs throughout the film.  Richard has also enhanced the period feel of the film by using actual instruments of the period and created a stunning main theme which sweeps the audience along into the turbulent world of 15th century Spain.

Richard Band has created one of his most startling and original scores and remarkably much of it was composed while he suffered from a fever of 102 degrees.  A circumstance which caused him to remark that he should get sick more often.  I hope not, sinces Richard Band healthy or not is one of the most gifted composers working in films today.  And it is my hope that our collaboration which began with "Re-Animator" and continued through "From Beyond" and "Dolls" is just the beginning.

-Stuart Gordon
The Pit & The Pendulum

Soundtrack Track List

1. The Crypt and Main Titles (3:57)

2. The Chase and Onslaught (2:14)

3. The Arrest of Maria (1:16)

4. The Purging of Torquemada (1:05)

5. Antonio Sneaks into the Castle (2:40)

6. Esmeralda's Meadow of Peace (1:32)

7. Antonio Battles the Guards (4:05)

8. The Pope's Envoy (2:13)

9. The Rape of Maria (6:00)

10. Esmeralda Comforts Maria (1:40)

11. The Night Auto Da Fe / Esmeralda's Revenge (2:34)

12. Maria's Burial (0:38)

13. The Pit and the Pendulum (8:44)

14. Justice for the Grand Inquisitor... Death (3:34)

15. Maria's Resurrection and Finale (5:50)

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