Works for all ages!
(Post-Menopause Breast Development and HRT. For adults only!)

“Yes, the pill is working despite the fact that I have been always small size and I am nearly 50, it is amazing that my bust size is increasing and it is visual. I am quite happy with the product and I shall continue using the product . Thank you”
Tina T, UK

“Hello, I am leaving a message to ask about how to take the pills when you are no longer having a menstrual period. This is the second time I have ordered. I am happy with the product. I do not want to take hormone replacement and have found your product really helps with menopausal problems. Thank you”
Jennifer B, USA [EXCERPT]

“…This product sure does bring up my confidence. And it absolutely does tighten and firm as I used to point down (maybe about 5:00 o'clock, and now I am pointing about 3:30 when I stand up.…I have only used your products for one month AND I am in my early 50s AND probably beginning menopause (probably NOT the best candidate)! The anticipation of seeing how it might change me in the next five months (since you say it will change for up to six months) is very exciting. Thanks for selling such a great product…I will eventually purchase more (I LOVE my improved skin!), and when I do, I will write a wonderful review about the product and dealing with you. Thanks so much for your kindness and consideration with me. Thanks.”

“Just wanted to tell you that I can already tell they are working before I have finished my first bottle! To tell you the truth, I really didn't think this was going to work, but IT'S FANTASTIC, IT REALLY WORKS!! After the three months, how do I use the remaining 3 bottles, (my friend stole my instruction pamphlet when she discovered my secret!) and how would I take it for a hormonal replacement if I ordered more? Thank you so much!”
Anonymous, USA

Fast Action- Noticeable Results!

“I love this product!! Will need more! Started seeing results w/i the first ten days of the first bottle!”
Desi F, USA

“I love your product, I've been taking the Full Potential pills... and by the end of the first two weeks of taking them I couldn't believe that my bust measurement went up two full inches. I was very surprised since I was keeping my expectations very low!”
Neva B, USA

“Wow!! I've been using them for only 3 days and already see results!!! thanks!!”
Karen H, USA

“Just wanted to say I'm already pleased with the bust pills - it's only been about 6 days and I can see and feel a difference already! Plus my package arrived in record time, so thanks heaps.”
Rachael, Australia

“I have now used 2 months worth of your breast enlargement pills…I am very pleased with the results. They have made a difference!”
Kate B, UK

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Very pleased, difference noted within first month, many thanks” (Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Breasts firmer & fuller after 1 mth on max dose. Looking forward to next month!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"Great communicator! In 15 days, I see results. They WORK OUTSTANDNG literally! THX"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

I've been using the cream for about a week now. good results - will re-order (Anonymous eBay Customer)

"Absolutely perfect. Love my boobies!!"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"I Think Is Grown A Little, Will Give The 2nd Bottle Another Try, Many Thanks"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"... the pills are really working, I will be back for more"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"Improvement in less than two months. Can't wait to order more!"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"After 1 month, these definitely working, my skin looks great too. AA+++++" (Anonymous eBay Customer)

"Already half way through the bottle. Breast are a lot firmer"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"Pills r working after 2wks fantastic"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“1 month down, already firmer and fuller, lets hope it carries on!!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“the best people you will ever deal with the cream works trust me great stuff” (Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Was skeptic at first, but after just 7 days ... WOW!! Thanks v much!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Excellent noticed results with just taking the first 15 days worth highly recommended
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Great product! I can feel it working after 2 months! Put in 2nd order..Thanks!!!
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

LOVE IT...So Does HUBBY!!!! Great Seller..... Thanks, A+…
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

They're working after only 2 weeks! Just ordered more. Excellent seller. (Anonymous eBay Customer)

Thanks! You Can Feel & See Results Within The 1st Month!
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Oh my goodness. It's already working after one month! Thank you so much! A++++
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Increase Breast Fullness!

“…i was a small c cup never filled the bra but now i am a full c cup may need a d soon thanks to (the) tablets.”
Shauna W, UK

“Your product has really helped me by increasing the fullness. I mean to say is that I am an A but a really nice full A. I did not quite fill my A cup and now I fill it wonderfully! My husband is amazed with my results of the last 3 months and is always complimenting me on how great I look. After 15 years of marriage and 2 children later, he could not say anything more wonderful to me and I love it!”
Deanna S, USA

“I am on to my third month and from my boyfriends reaction I would say they are working!! I didn't notice that much but my boyfriend (who doesn't know I am taking them) has commented that my breasts are a lot larger than they were :) “
Emma B, Australia

".. I am seeing results and truly love this product thus far. My husband says "Wow (he) definitely notices a difference." Please write me back as soon as you are able to.."
Laura H, USA

“definitely an improvement, breasts are a lot fuller, am now a full B cup, thanks.”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Regain Size and Firmness after Breast-feeding

“...the last lot i bought from you last month were great and the results are starting to show. i finished breastfeeding my daughter in august last year and was left with a deflated chest. i think it would be a great idea to recommend these pills to women who have breastfed in the past. Many thanks”
Tracey C, UK

“I noticed an increase of 1/2 inch after using the product for only 2 weeks...after one month a 1 and 1/2 inch increase. After breastfeeding 2 children, I noticed that my breast were not as perky as they used to be. Not the problem any more. They are very firm and I am looking forward to see what the next couple of months have in store for me.”
Suzanne, USA

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“After 18 months of breast feeding ,i now have my firm chest back again, thanks”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Measurable Inch Gain

“For any skeptics out there, it really works 100%, i gained 3 inches in 3 months & my boyfriend loves them, i have just re-ordered a 6 months supply, so he should be over the moon. Thank you for such a brilliant safe product & brilliant service all round.”
Georgina, UK

“…by the end of the first two weeks of taking them I couldn't believe that my bust measurement went up two full inches. I was very surprised since I was keeping my expectations very low!

“Hello…I've gained 1/2 a cup size and look forward to more :-) I look forward to doing more business with you.”
Mary H, USA

“This product is amazing. I can feel it work with each application, twice a day. Noticeable growth is there!!! Thank you so much for such a wonderful product.”
UPDATE FROM TESTIMONIAL ABOVE: Deanna was barely an A cup before she started using our product, she now says, “I am up to a B cup size! I love your product!”
Deanna S, USA

“I haven't got any breasts whatsoever when I first started and I realize that I wasn't going to go from nothing to Pamela Anderson. But I have been pleasantly surprised by the results after only 2 weeks. I can actually fill a size 10a bra now (something I haven't done since I was a teenager) and I actually think that after another month or so I might even get into a 12a (you never know your luck). Anyway I'm actually feeling pretty excited about all this…Thanks for everything!”
Sue, Australia

“The Best! Been taking for 1 yr have increased 2 cup sizes! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!” *
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“…your breast cream and pills are great, I have added an inch to my bust already and I haven't been using your product for a month yet. once again, thank you and please accept my second order, I can't wait to receive it” Lorraine, UK These pills really work I have gone up a size in just 2 months thank you A++++++
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Quick Breast Lift

“I have experienced great results with just the cream.......my breasts were firmer almost immediately ....then after about 5 weeks they started to grow....to the point where all my friends were commenting....so I told them what to do!!”
Helen, UK

“...I have been using your cream for the past 4 weeks almost and WOW what a difference, I have had 2 children and even with almost nothing when it came to breasts they were a tad on the droopy side, now they are firm and larger in size(no more droopiness YIPPEE). My husband was cautious to start with and admittedly a little worried but I think he is actually more pleased than I am. ...this is wonderful I am actually happy to wear little tops now, and also feeling much more comfortable about the way I look. Thanks Heaps” Anonymous, UK

“The cream is sooooo nice the skin feels firmer already. Many thanks for everything”
Emma, UK

“…After only a few days I started to notice the difference. My clothes fit better as my breast feel much fuller and firmer and I feel much more womanly. I had no side effects at all apart from feeling better. I would definitely recommend! Keep up the good work!”
Lisax, UK

Breasts definitely fuller..sex drive increased!! Boyfriend VERY happy!! Thanku
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Only been 2 wks but already an improvement. Will definitely be ordering more.
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“wow I cant believe it they really really work gr8 product”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“I have been using this for a week in a half and I have noticed results.”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Inch Gain during Weight Loss

“…I was measured by a gym instructor in June, and I had gained 1/2" from exercise in about 3 months. (I am supposed to be losing and had lost everywhere else but there!) But, my husband measured me a few weeks ago, and I am nearly 2" larger that what the instructor measured me! And I was taking your supplement only 2 weeks before my husband measured me! I will have her measure me again in September. I am on a diet, and trying hard to lose weight, but eating the Atkins' diet and so eating lots of protein. I have lost 5 pounds so the fact that I am larger could only be because of what I am taking….
[EXCERPT]” Thanks.”Kay

Improved Skin Tone and Perky Breasts

“It is really amazing. I'm 34 but always had rather and always had rather annoying skin issues, not rampaging acne, but spots and pimples nearly continuously, when some would dry and disappear, new ones would pop in only a few days, so I hardly ever haw a flawless skin. It was mostly localized in the chin area. Ever since I have taken the product my skin has improved dramatically, over only a couple of days !!! My nails also used to break continuously (because of my work, hands in water a lot) and now they are much stronger, grow strong and don't break. I have long, healthy hair and it's also been growing more and stronger on your pills. That's the good news. I took note of the maximum dose, and I do avoid caffeine. Thanks and have a good day !!”
Claire, France

“So, here is my second order. What can I say? From a B cup WONDER BRA LOOSE WITH THE PADS, to a FULL B WITHOUT THE PADS in only 10 days cream twice a day and 4 pills a day. My stretch mark diminished a lot, skin overall looks better, less dry, and no more itchiness from woolen jumpers, you made me a happy person overall, with no side effects and a positive attitude. I am really grateful, and recommend a try to all skeptics (I was one before, I bought them to prove they don't work, but they've proven me). Thank you very much and keep your shop ongoing!”
Loana, UK

Beautiful skin, hair and nails

“…Within the second month, I noticed how I had less spots to fight against! Another amazing hormonal change....is how I never get depressed before my period. This used to be very debilitating for me. This herbal formula, this plant 'Pueraria Mirifica', is truly a gift from this Earth! THANK YOU!”
Fiona Jade, UK

“…I really like how these pills are helping my skin. It is making it more softer and I am hoping it could help my skin problem.”
Kaoru O, Australia

..I've great skin, hair, look and feel young at age 45
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Regain size after Hysterectomy

“I have had 2 children within a year and a total hysterectomy shortly after, womb and ovaries removed. All of this took its toll on my previously 34C perky breasts, reducing them to a rather sorry and floppy 34A. After not quite 1 month's treatment on the pills alone, I am already firm and filling a 34B and I still have 5 bottles left in the cupboard! I can't say thank you enough...!! I am now looking forward to what the next few months have in store for me (and my husband). Thanks again”
Mandy, UK

Better than Implants / Surgery!

“I really wanted to have bigger fuller breasts like i did before I got ill. I was seriously considering silicone implants, and began to research on them...BUT! There are always hesitations with such surgery, and the cost. I have hormonal imbalanceces from being unwell, which leave me with oily skin and being a bit skinny! I love modeling and wearing sexy corsets, so cleavage is something I value! I don’t want to look skinny! I want sexy juicy full breasts! SO Since I discovered Full Potential, I can now stop worrying about the cost and danger of silicone implants! Within the second month, I noticed how I had less spots to fight against! Now in the third month, my breasts have suddenly increased in volume! It is so amazing when I look at the difference! They also have that perkiness shape of the 1950s 'bullet bras'! I cant wait to continue with Full Potential and I'm also going to start using the Full Potential cream as a boost! Another amazing hormonal change made by Full Potential is how I never get depressed before my period. This used to be very debilitating for me. This herbal formula, this plant 'Pueraria Mirifica', is truly a gift from this Earth! Thank you ... for making it available to a worldwide market! THANK YOU!” Fiona Jade, UK

“...After my first month (2wks), my breasts are a bit fuller!! I had the augmentation about 3-4 yrs ago. Well, when I lost some wt, you could see wrinkles where the bags are. I didn't like it, but figured that was just the way it goes. I figured sometime, I'd go back & have more saline put in them. My husband didn't like the idea (likes them just fine [always had]). Plus, the risk of going back in and the money, recovery, etc etc etc. Thank you sooooo much because the wrinkles are gone due to them filling out! PLUS.......my left one had always bothered me & even worried me at times. It would harden pretty bad. Again, I figured oh well, I'll deal w/it. It did worry me a lot though. These enhancement pills have softened my left breast!!!!!! I am soooooo thankful for the peace of mind your product has given me. The left one is still shaped a bit different than the right one, but I'm hoping that that'll fix my next two months of the pills. I really CAN'T thank you enough, hon. God Bless you.”
Serena B, USA

This was 2 purchase. These PILLS WORK. Lot cheaper then surgery
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Amazing product, saw difference after 3 weeks & cheaper than implants!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Steady, long-term results

"The Best! Been taking for 1 yr have increase 2 cup sizes! HIGHLY RECOMMEND! *"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

3rd month, shape better, increase size by 3cm, gunna re order -)
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“2nd order of 6 bottles. Really, really works. Have no doubts”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“I've waited 2 months to make sure these breast enlargers work, they do! :o)”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Used for 1 mth, BIG IMPROVEMENT, skeptical at first but these really do work :o)”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Nice product, steady progress shown, will use again+++”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“firmer and bigger breasts as advertised...I am very surprised & thrilled!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“…definitely an improvement, breasts are a lot fuller, am now a full B cup, thanks.”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Felt silly buying them but it's definitely worth it! Friendly service too :) (Anonymous eBay Customer)

Best Breast Product!

“Hi, This is the second time ordering your pills. I have tried LOTS of different pills , even the high dollar ones, and these are REALLY far better. I will be continuing to reorder and I would also LOVE to get the cream…I will reorder again before I run out and this time I will order more bottles(5) and hopefully the cream!!!...Thank Again!!!....”
Diane F., USA

“My husband was cautious to start with and admittedly a little worried but I think he is actually more pleased than I am. Lanus this is wonderful I am actually happy to wear little tops now, and also feeling much more comfortable about the way I look. Thanks Heaps
Anonymous, UK

“This product brought more growth in 1 month than other methods did in 1 year!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Was not sure about these before I purchased as have tried others, but they work”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“These REALLY work.......I've tried them all.........these are THE BEST.....A++++”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Great gift for that special woman!

My girlfriend has been taking your product and is about done on her first month. She has experienced excellent results and is very excited about next month
Chuck K, USA

“…I bought pills and cream for my girlfriend in Poland. Well what can I say, It's been only 1.5 months and she already grew one cup. I just got back to Poland and I was amazed. That time I bought only 2 tubes of cream, that's not enough :) she wants more….”
Tom W, USA

“wow these really work this is my wife’s 3rd month using these and they are growin”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Wife has been using for 6 days and already a difference. great product!!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Product received promptly. Seems to be working so far on the girlfriend :o)
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

My girl grew over a cup in 3 months! Fantastic! Thanks
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Shipping time was AWESOME!! and a FAB BONUS ~ this stuff really works ladies!!!
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

Excellent service. My girlfriend is over the moon with product, and so am I !!!
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Once again, fast delivery, i can now give these to my mum who's a customer now!”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

"Wife loves the product. Thanks!!!"
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

“Wife has just finished the 1st months. Ordering more NOW.”
(Anonymous eBay Customer)

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