The History of Full Tilt Paintball
What a fierce ride it's been
April 2003: The guys got back together to build a new team. Initial officers of Captain - Cody Alton, Co-Captain - Shay Pelfrey, and Secretary Treasurer - Taber Alton were selected.

April through October: New team members joined up including Matt Nichols, Taber Alton (who became the team trainer), Jamey Morrison,and Jerome Shankles.

October 11, 2003: We finally played in our first tournament. It was held at Rite of Passage Paintball (see link on home page), and we participated in the Amateur Division. We played well for our first tournament and took home 2nd place with 384 points in 6 games. Catch some of the pictures on the Picture Page #2.

Late October 2003: We're 6 months down the road and had new officers elections. Captain - Jamey Morrison, Co-Captain and Trainer - Cody Alton, and Secretary/Treasurer - Michael Johnson, who also serves as webmaster, so blame him.
We have a new member as of January Kenney "Kennard' Smith started to play with the team. Secretary / Treasurer became Taber Alton , after Michael stepped down.Jerome takes over Webmaster with help from Michael.
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