The Foster's
This site includes information on things that are of interest  to us.  At some future date my wife and I hope to become fulltime RVers.  We will be using this website to let people know where we are and what we're doing.  Below are some of the topics we included on this site.

Grand Children and Family:
Pictures and Stories

Where we are and what we're doing  (future)

Christian Values:
Links to various ministries and resources

RV pictures and improvement projects

Pictures from our visits to various lighthouses around the U.S. and Canada

Please return from time to time to see my current projects.
Ponce de Leon Light
Links to my favorite sites:
North Lanier Baptist Church
North American Mission Board
Montana Owners Club
Open Roads Forum
Click on the following links for pictures:
Contact me at:
RV Information and Improvements
Email: fulltimedreamer [email protected]
Grand Children and Family
North American Lighthouses
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