The assignment here was to pick three rules off a dialogue sheet and follow them. I don't remember which ones I chose, except that it was number 1, 4, and 7. :) Enjoy anyway.
Becky sits in a lounge chair watching the sun set. This is her favorite time of day, when everything comes to an end. The lake water gently laps at her feet, like a dog yearning for attention. The wind caresses her body and pushes her hair into her face. She shivers a little in her jeans and sweatshirt, and tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear. A plethora of colors paint the sky, which reflect in the water and her face, making both appear on fire. She sighs a contended sigh and simply stares at the beauty before her. She hears footsteps approaching from behind, but does not turn her head.

�Pretty, isn�t it?�

The body which houses this unwelcome intrusion plops down on the grass next to her. It does not seem to notice Becky�s lack of response, or how engrossed in the sunset she is. Instead, it continues talking. �I just love watching the sunset. It�s so pretty. And the water is nice too. I just love the smell of the water. It�s so peaceful, don�t you think?� The voice sounds gritty in Becky�s ears. She does not like it. The repetition of its phrases make her want to vomit. It is destroying nature�s perfection. It perceives Becky�s presence, but is oblivious to her extreme distaste and frustration at being interrupted. The sunset goes by so fast, and this person is making Becky waste it.

Maybe if I ignore it, it will just go away.

The waves crash against the shore and spray them. The annoying one giggles. �Hahaha, that tickles. I just love the feeling of the water on my skin. Don�t you?� The voice is now smiling and its face is staring at Becky. It is not going away.

�Why are you here? Would you please leave me alone? I was trying to enjoy the sunset, and now it�s almost gone. You�ve made me miss it.� Becky sighs. Her words are cruel, but her tone is flat. She speaks to this other person like someone would speak to a plant. She does not even turn to look at it when she speaks. She stares straight ahead and watches the sun dip below the edge of the water, lighting up another world, and leaving hers in darkness. She sighs again, and finally turns her head to see the girl, her foreign and uninvited guest, walking away. The girl sits down next to another person and begins talking.

�I just love the nighttime, don�t you?�

neb 2/23/04




















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