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The one and only, the one that put the rest to rest the one no other than the man hailing form the land of 47's Berbice Guyana, that South America fa ya'al

FunBoy first came in contact with Cricket when he was 5 years old, his cousin took a wild swing with the bat and knock FunnBoy over, since then the rest is History and now Funnboy has found a new Home, the best and most dangerous culb in the Connecticut Cricket League.. the one and only Riverside Cricket Club in the good old USofA..

Damm Funboy is goooood!!

Well FunnBoy been there done it all as they say; with his World travels he has seen it all from Boston to Bombay, fortunate enough to visit some of the worlds best places.

Been to Switzerland, Germany, France, England, Holland, India, Canada, Bahrain Bahamas, Barbados, Puerto Rico, Arizona, Las Vegas,
Los Angles, San Francisco, St Louis, Chicago, New York, Washington Virginia, Maine, Montreal, Maryland, New Hampshire, Atlanta, Pennsylvania

and my favorite state: The Sun Shine State Florida and all the Strip Clubs from Miami to Fort Lauderdale of course to check out the Cricket action.

My next International Trip is Australia and Trinidad
He is the Best
My Favorite Links:
Riverside Cricket Club
Connecticut Cricket League
The Fanatical Travelling Cricketer
Name: FunnBoy
Email: [email protected]
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