"Ah Pity Da Foo
That Don't Like FuNChome!"
Mr. T officially becomes FuNChome sponser!
For years, loyal FuNChome visitors have felt the lack of a paid public sponsor. Long has the staff of FuNChome been waiting and searching for opportunities (read: someone famous enough willing to work for minimum wage) to present themselves, but none ever seemed to arise.

At last, after 5 long minutes of solicitation, we have signed
Mr. T on as our public promoter. Yes, Mr. T will become the official mascot of FuNChome. After his latest movie "I Pity the Fool, but I Envy My Girlfriend" failed to produce any income whatsoever after three decades in the box office, he began to feel a little desperate.

Here's a picture of him pondering his next step:
Damnit, I'm Broke!
Now what?
Well, it just so happens that BIG CHIEF CURRENCE was walking down the street, when he saw an opportunity.
I'm outta work!
Gotta Eat!
The Following is the written transcript of the actual conversation between BIG CHIEF CURRENCE and Mr. T:
BC: Hungry, huh?
Mr. T: A foo! What you say? Mr. T is listening.
BC: Are you looking for a job? Cause-
Mr. T: That's right sucker! Read my sandwich sign: it says, "Will work for Foo!" I'll work for any foo! What's the job?
BC: I need you to cut off your mohawk!
Mr. T: You're making me angry...
BC: Just kiddi-
Mr. T: Cut off my mohawk huh? Mr. T worked two years to grow this thing!
BC: Look, I wasn't serious, I-
Mr. T: Joking with Mr. T, huh? I don't like jokes.
BC: Maybe we could just start over...
Mr. T: I pity the foo that try and tell Mr. T a joke!
BC: Oh, shit
Mr. T: Huhh!!!
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