bam wigga bam bam
Holy shit, those two months just flew right by, didn't they? It seems like just yesterday that everyone was wondering whatever happened to those weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
Oh, wait, that was just yesterday. And today, too. Whatever.

Anyway, even more important than 2000 tons of missing biochemical weapons is the result of the annual FuNChome sholarship! Yes, just two months ago I offered an oustanding  award to whoever presented the website with the best original creative submission. I promised to pay off the amazing sum of $5.00 to the lucky genius that amused me enough to win!
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Just look at that smile
I lied. Quite frankly, I'm planning on storing all of your original submissions in a box in my room, and using the good ones on my website without giving you any credit.I'm even gonna put my name on em'! Hell, I'm even gonna apply for copyrights and try to make some money!

I can't believe you all fell for it! What a bunch of idiots! HA HA! Oh yeah, I am one happy bastard right now, let me tell you.
Just shitting around with ya! In all actuality, I managed to pick a winner and have already awarded him the $5.00 scholarship. (That means if you are not $5.00 richer now than you were before-you didn't win, you dumb putz)

To go to the REAL RESULTS PAGE, click
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