Well, It's been about a week or so, and I guess this qualifies for a review.

1. I seem to be the only person who is able to be bitched at.
How is this even possible? The entire month before everyone EXCEPT ME had a bone to pick. Now I get everything, and it's just me.

2. My mom is the main perpetrator.
No kidding.
Check this out.

How do I find the Total bitching factor?
I take the Bitching Strength and mutiply by the amount of times it happened. Ex. "3 X 2 = 6"

Enh. That seemed like enough.
As for today....
Jake: None
Tim: None
Maloner: "I like hot men."

Sax: Got bitched at by Jake for not going over to Tim's (1)
Mmmmmm...... success.
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