Where updates go to die...
11/05/2003- Well, JakeFunc no longer owns this website; I bought him out. I'm planning great things for the future, but first I need to learn to use HTML. What a pain in the ass... will write later with new stuff. -BIG CHIEF CURRENCE
Arranged in order of most recent to oldest. All records on this page concern updates initiated by BIG CHIEF CURRENCE
11/13/2003- My first adventure with HTML... turns out JakeFunc didn't even USE html, so I really screwed everything up. For some reason the main page split into all of it's component parts, and I had to rebuild it. Still can't figure out how to get the color back between the pictures, but everything is cool. Stay tuned for more blasphemy. -BIG CHIEF CURRENCE
11/20/2003- Now using PageBuilder, with relative success. Check out Special Articless and Jake's Adventures in storyland for a new installment concerning Texas Hold'Em. You just might like it.
11/21/2003- Man, I am so angry. FuNChome must be experiencing technical difficulties, cause some things that I save don't end up on the webpage... EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE PRESENT IN PAGEBUILDER! Updates may come infrequently now...
12/04/2003-Well, I finally figured out how to update the page again, so everything is going kosher. I added a new special article about Mr. T- you might wanna check that out. It isn't quite finished yet, but it's funny so far. Anyway, I moved all of the updates to a page marked updates, so I could clean up the homepage. I'm thinking about re-vamping the enitire thing, so somebody better stop me. Anyway, that's all for now.
12/10/2003-Everything's been going fine as of late; not a lot of progress on the site, but hey: I don't see you doing anything. At least I'm still here, right? I added the annual FuNChome Scholarship! (woot woot) If you really want some money, you better check out the link below. I'm actually going to pay off this time.
Other than that, I plan on adding pictures to the Texas Hold Em' story, as well as create another Mr. T page. I want a digital camera SO bad. End Transmission.
1/31/04- Well, the results are back for the 2004 Annual FuNChome Scholarship, and we have a winner! Although the judging wasn't easy, I managed to pick out the submission I thought was the best. To find out if you have won (and to see what brilliant submission brought down the grand prize) go to the Scholarship Results page.

Other than that, things have been pretty slow here at FuNChome. I'll keep trying to get those pictures up for the Texas Hold 'Em story, but it might take a while. Oh yeah,l I promised someone I would mention their name on my website. "Leah Brett" There, I hope you are happy now.
3/17/2004- St. Patrick's Day has finally arrived. And, In honor of this great time, I have written my own "Irish Pub Drinking Song". Actually, I wrote this to piss of Mike Brett, but it has a catchy ring to it anyway. For all the lyrics, go here.

Any Holiday that you have to go to work on isn't a real holiday anyway.
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