Notes from Function Queen

Hello everyone. Thanks for stopping by my site. I wanted to tell you a little bit about myself. Anyone who knows me knows that I am an honest and wholesome person who is a dreamer, and believe if you can dream it you can become it.

Sometimes age and life�s disappointments can change even the most optimistic of heart, but I still believe there is a silver lining behind every black cloud.

I am also the type of person who can be counted on for help when you are down, or in trouble. I will always try to help you get over the blues and life�s hurdles, for a true friend I am.

I also have a fighting spirit and I am not afraid to stand up for what is right.

I do have a mischievous side where I like to cause a little uproar. I do like to make people stop and think or laugh, or anything just feel. It seems most people just live day to day and never question anything.

  • It was for this reason What do you Believe was inspired. It's the pro-life and pro-choice issue. When does the soul begin? I love what Einstein said about, "We can go through life as though nothing is a miracle or as if everything is a miracle." A man of science who believed that there was something out there bigger then us.

  • My Heavens gate is another one that was inspired by the death of my Aunt. It's what can be done with a broken heart. I wanted to put her name up there with Legends like Kennedy and Schultz. She was a star to me.

  • My Imagine corner was fun for me. I like these pictures because they can't be explained. And it makes you ask yourself what if they are true? Would your faith be strengthened by these pictures? Would you find hope?

  • When I developed Kiss corner was when I felt I wanted to give up, between family, work and school I needed a boost. This one cheered me up writing it, as I hoped it will cheer up the reader. Whenever you think your life is bad, there is always someone, somewhere, who would trade places with you.

  • Life is too short and today we can think, speak, dream, believe in what we want. So to each and everyone of you don't ever stop dreaming and believing in you.

    I believe in a Happily Ever After, and dream
    that you will have your Happily Ever After,
    Forever More.

    Keep the Faith,
    Function Queen

    Don't be afraid to Dance the Dance of Life!

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