Mother Love's Letter of the Week

Dear Mother Love,
I have been living with Jim for 8 years
and he still hasn't asked me to marry him.
Should I ask him? Or should I just tell him to get lost?
Tired of waiting

Dear Tired of Waiting,
My Daddy used to say a man won't buy the cow if the milks free.
So girl you know if you want respectability you should be married.
If you love the guy and are happy then stay with him,
but I don't think you would be writing to me if that were the case.
Now you search deep and long and make sure that
just in case he says he won't marry you, you can accept it and go on.
I am with you girl, and I hope he says yes! Let us know.
Remember if you are to scared of the outcome don't ask.
Love Always,
Mother Love

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