A little help from my friends

No one goes it alone,
and when building your website
you made need a little help from your friends.
There are a lot of sites for free gifs and music files.
All they ask for is a link back so, do the right thing and give them credit.
I would like to thank them for there generosity
in allowing the rest of us in the web community to use them.
I am bestowing them the medal of honor.
Enjoy these sites and Happy building!

  • Web graphics gifs and jpgs

    Animation factory

    Large library of gifs

    Tripod gif library

    Gran Grans Fun site

    Gifs and more and they will submit your site too

    My friends in Africa

  • Music Midi files





    Landy's Fun Place great midis

    Remember the Web is built on honor so if you use any music, gifs or source code from my site do the right thing and install a link to me and I will give one to you.
    Together we can keep the Web community honest the way it was meant to be.
    I know you will do the right thing, we are all friends here.
    I like to help my friends don't you?

    Keep the Faith,
    Function Queen

    I get by with a little help from my friends.

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