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A Non-Commercial Endeavor.

"A person who can, within a year, solve x^2 - 92y^2 = 1 is a mathematician." -- Brahmagupta
Welcome to Fundoo_brains!!!!!!

Welcome to the funny technical group Fundoo_Brains!!! A world of fun with technology spiced with whatever people of our generation want!!!! This is a group of young people (as of now, no one is elder than 25--DJ) started to share news and views on technology, in our very own Gen-X way!!!! First conceptualized by two guyz come for an interview at IIT Bombay on a sunny December morning, the group formed on January 8,2002. Since then we have expanded, sharing among us things starting from jokes to derivations to e-books and Published Papers.
I'd like to thank all the people who have provided assistance to the development of my website (advertantly or inadvertantly) because credits are somewhat important and acknowledgements are the right thing to do.
I am not affiliated with commerce hence the lack of flashy ads or shopping carts. This site is somewhat information oriented, has maybe a few research links, an archive or two, but isn't really organizational. Since this is a free website on Yahoo, you will find a banner of their's and the topic of the banner is obviously technology related. (Believe me, this is the only way to keep this site alive till we get sponsors! - DJ).
The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success. Talent is only a starting point in business. You've got to keep working that talent.
We welcome your valuable suggestions/criticisms. Please be free to contact the webmaster at [email protected].

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