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Digital Photography Tips & Hints

by Bob Boudreau
NOTE: While this material is aimed at digital cameras, much of the Basic info can be used when using film cameras.  All of the Advanced Techniques are appropriate for both camera types.    Much of the material is also intended for "point and shoot" type digital cameras, the type without removable lenses.    Cameras with removable lenses are referred to as "DSLR" cameras - Digital Single Lens Reflex models.    They have more capabilities and are more flexible in taking photos.   But great results can be achieved with point and shoot models.
NOTE: I have moved all of the photo clinic material to a separate website so it will be more readily available.   This site is hosted by Geocities who have a download limit per hour.  If too many people try to access the pages at one time, a message will be displayed indicating the download limit has been reached, and suggesting to try again later.

My new Google site just for Model Railroad Photography has no such limits, and I feel it will serve those looking for some help better.  Click
HERE to go to the site.
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