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This is a pic of me (the brunette) and my friend Amy at our favorite place - work - Ha Ha....
I have many interests but music, reading, travel, and amusement parks are my favorites.  I also enjoy performing stand-up comedy.
It's difficult to say which roller coaster or thrill ride is my favorite.  But if I had to choose just one, I'd say "Tower of Terror" at MGM in Orlando, Florida.
Sunsets are my favorite time of day.  The peace I feel and the beauty I see in them give me a new perspective on life.
I recently visited Discovery Cove in Orlando, Florida.  I highly recommend it to everyone.  It's a beautiful water park that includes a swim encounter with Dolphins.

My experience with the dolphins is one I always will remember.  It was completely awesome - almost spiritual.  I was placed in a group which consisted of six people, two trainers, and one dolphin.  Her name was Dixie.  Among other things, we all had a chance to feed Dixie, pet her belly & back, give her a kiss, and she took us for a short ride which was exciting & exhilarating.

Twice during the time we spent with Dixie, she swam over to me & stared at me for about 30 seconds!  I watched but I didn't see her do that to anyone else in our group.  I feel very blessed that she chose me to "talk" to....

Dolphins are such intelligent, playful, communicative creatures.  I sometimes think they're smarter than we are.  A friend of mine told me that she knows a trainer of Dolphins in the Florida Keys.  One day a dolphin butted his nose into the trainer's stomach.  He went to the hospital & x-rays found a stomach tumor which he had no idea was there.

I truly love dolphins & because of my experience with them, I will now have an even greater respect & appreciation for them & all of God's creatures.  I can't wait to visit them again.  Want to come along???
If you'd like information on a swim with the dolphins, go to:

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