FunEMT's Place
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Kung Fu Mage
Table of Contents
Click to go to the site to make my own Hero
My new Baby Girl Alexis
Joann's Cakes
Some Personal information
USERNAME Xfire Miniprofile

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Kung Fu Master.I am Kung Fu Master.

I like to be in control of myself. I dislike crowds, especially crowds containing people trying to kill me. Even though I always win, I prefer to avoid fights if possible. What Video Game Character Are You?
An Experienced survivor who has maneuvered around many opstacles, you are looked up to to by those who rely on your good judgement.
Mage - King of the elements. Get someone to block
the enemy as you hurl all your fury onto the
battlefeild. Best races - Human, Undead, Dwarf

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