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Force Majeure – Division Blue

01. Reach Out
02. The Halo Effect
03. Trinity (Soldier’s Revelation)
04. Planetwaves
05. Division Blue


Two “Oh my gods” came to mind immediately when I put this on …Oh my god the guys have been listening Iron Maiden a lot. And oh my fucking god the singer’s voice does not fit the music at all. The vocals are truly the stumbling block of this demo. But later I found out that Force Majeure have got a new singer in their line-up so I guess the situation has improved since the recording of this demo. And surprise surprise the new vocalist is from an Iron Maiden tribute band. So the influences in FM’s music mostly come form (older) traditional heavy metal and partly I can hear some Nightwish there too. Soundwise there’s nothing to complain about since this is recorded in a good studio - Loimaan Popstudio. The musicians handle their instruments quite well, although a little more imagination should be used in the playing and song writing too. There are too many traditional basic heavy metal riffs and parts in my opinion. The demo comes with a printed CD, color covers inluding lyrics (which is always a good bonus). Anyway, fans of IM, Helloween etc. stay tuned for the next Force Majeure release.


2+/5  (Dr. GoddoG)




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