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Indigent – Demo CD

01. Disgust
02. Picture
03. Poison
04. Mirror
05. Dust


Oh yeah! Brutal Death Metal is the name of the game. Indigent is a solo project of a man called Richard Tomsett from England. A very talented English man I would have to say …doing this personal and partly very progressive death metal all by himself. As I said, a very positive thing in Indigent’s music is it’s personality. There are many simple parts too that flow through painless. But also there is much of that more complex stuff that doesn’t open up to you the first time you listen to it. This disc endures listening more than a few times cause of it’s variable supply of interesting musicianship. The vocals are quite basic death metal growling and could really use some more “memorable” parts. However this is not your average verse, chorus, verse type of easy music. The lyrics are not those basic death metal lyrics either concerning some dark and twisted scenery. Not necessarily for the average "Six Feet Under fan", but if you like your death metal a little more challenging, check out INDIGENT!!


4-/5  (Dr. GoddoG)




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