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Out Of Bounds - Reflections

01. Work in Progress
02. Same Ol Road
03. What’s it Gonna be
04. Friday 13th
05. Stream
06. Jealous
07. Set Me free


First I have to defend myself …this kind of music is not my cup of Vodka. Yeah, nu-metal is the name of the game. Hip-hop mixed with heavy rocking music with a touch of punk and harc core. I cant come up with many names to compare this to which is probably good. I guess someone who is more familiar to this kind of stuff could compare this to many names. On ground of the songs’ names it’s hard to say what the lyrics are about, but the music certainly has a lot of energy and attitude. Some parts bring me this vision of Biohazard with twenty years younger musicians. So a guess this works, cause this music makes you jump up and down whether you want it or not. The sounds are quite OK for a demo despite a few drawbacks. The vocal sound could use some more clarity so it would be easier to hear what they’re singing. Also up with the drum volume! Mostly you can hear only the snare drum. Normally I wouldn’t touch this, but if groovy and brisk nu-metal works for you, check this out!


2½/5  (Dr. G.O.D.)




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