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Update 10/01/2002 - New Fanfic posted! The Order of the Phoenix Unveiled (Works in Progress)
Update 10/07/2002 New chapter added to The Order of the Phoenix Unveiled

Update 11/14/02 New chapter added to The Order of the Phoenix Unveiled !

Sorry about missing the updates for so long. My company
moved me to another city and it has been a very hectic
month. I'm back with a vengence and hopefully I'll be able
to do at least two chapters a day for the next week.
                                               -James Bavousett

Feel free to contact me with ICQ. My number is 6008231 and,

Welcome to the Magical Universe.

This site is dedicated to works of Fan Fiction based on the Harry Potter realm. All works are carefully screened and only well written stories are posted. Writers are sorted into houses based on full length, short story, alternate endings and different points of view. Pick a stair case to climb, but remember, they move...

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