<BGSOUND SRC="fromadistance.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The "hero" in my life is non other than my wonderful mother "Peggy"! She is always here for me when I need her and I can always count on a sholder to cry on...a person to laugh with and a person to get a warming smile from. She is dear to my heart and I could never ask for a better mother! She raised me and my sisters (me being the youngest of three) on her own most of our lives and she did a tremendous job!
Thank you so much for
ALL you have done for me.  You are a wonderful mother and don't let anyone tell you differently. You have always been my hero and I look up to you and have always wanted to be like you. You are an inspiration to me and God couldn't have given me a better mom. You are strong willed and stand up for what you believe in and then there is also a gentle, kind-hearted side to you that would do anything for anybody. You raised us in a good christian home and let us grow up in church....so what I am saying is..."THANK YOU MOM!!!!"
Beth's Paradise
My email
She loves birds, flowers and most of all indians!!!!!
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