How To Make A "Clean" Room

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GroverzGuide: How to make a cleanroom
Written by: GroverzNutz
email: [email protected]
ICQ: 82915143
Well, we all know that the most important part of success is having clean procedures. Well I've found that I can turn my bathroom into a sterile clean room both during innoculation and when removing any contaminants. By adhering to clean procedures, you should not have any problems with contamination. Here's my tips to making your own clean room:

bottle of Lysol antibacterial spray. it's sorta like Windex except it kills a huge shitload of germs.
Spray bottle with 10% bleach and 90% water mixed into it. Wal mart has bottles for something like 49 cents.
Loads of paper towels
Dust mask for face, along with cap for hair and long sleeve shirt.
To prepare:
Close all airvents to the bathroom and draw curtain on your shower, wait about 10 minutes for dust to settle.
From here on out, any time that you are in the clean room make sure you are wearing long sleeve shirts, a hat on your head and a dust mask across your face.
Wipe down the area around the toilet with lysol, including the toilet itself, sink area, and floor underneath if you have tile.
After letting lysol sit for 30 seconds, wipe off with paper towels and lightly spritz with chlorine and water mixture.
Right before you open the jars, mist the air with the water/bleach mix and let it settle. Also do this anytime you enter the clean room with fresh jars or whatever.
If using a spore print, dip in rubbing alcohol and flame off before you use it to scrap spores. I also find this helpful for all instruments that touch the cake, including knives used to cut out any contamination, always flame off alcohol.
To store:
Once you've been real sterile innoculating the jars, put lid on real tight and follow whatever Tek procedure you chose. Just make sure that whenever you open the jars you spritz the air with the mixture and put on a mask, that way you can be sure nothing is falling on your babies.

If contamination occurs
I've found that even contaminated cakes will sometimes prodouce edible shrooms if you get right on top of the contamination and not let it get to the shrooms. Of course, any shrooms on a bad cake must be taken lightly in case they have mold, but its better than throwing it out.

First, separate the bad cake from the others. I usually put the cake on a tupperware container tall enough to let shrooms grow but narrow enough so that it doesn't take much perlite to fill the bottom. Put about a 1 inch layer of perlite, and damp with a mix of 50% water and 50% Hydrogen Peroxide into the bottom. Keep the lid on loose to allow air exchange but keep humidity.

If done right, this 'hospital' should be able to recover bad cakes that are edible. however i must stress that you should always start out very low with shrooms from a recovered cake. If they're ok you can work your way up just don't take a lot as there is an increased risk of bad shrooms.

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