The world is in Black and White.  Lonely, I am, sitting in my room watching the world revolve outside of my window.  I was the only one I knew that saw the world as a never-ending, repetitious hell. I noticed the working drones dragging on down the sidewalk, trying to get to the bus stop on time.  I felt so ashamed for not being one of them.

The world was shaken when I was born.  I wasn't wanted and no one loved me, I was an orphan, cast out among wolves.  Shadowed by what great deeds the others did and pushed away by those I thought I loved.

As I sat and pondered, a sign came to my attention; it said "
PARTY." My mind was wrapped around this uninviting sign.  Before I could have stopped myself from diving into curiosity, I had already dressed and was making my way towards the front door.  A world of doubt filled my limbs and I couldn't seem to turn the doorknob.  But, I managed to remember the magnetic sign and could not hold myself back.

I walked across the street and the bane of my soul --the sign-- would not let me go.  Fear engulfed me as I pushed the heavy metal doors apart.  Inside, unanchored balloons covered the ceiling and everyone turned around to set their peering eyes upon me.  My heart was weighty with shame for entering this place, but I could not muster the strength to leave.  I walked across the undying dance floor to an isolated couch in the darkest corner.  My pale complexion seemed to strangely glow.

An eternity I felt I had stayed.  I thought I could leave soon, when they were all gone, but time was peeling toward 3 A.M., and not a person seemed to move remotely close to the door.  The eerie piano music played on and everyone was speaking as if it were only 7 P.M.

My eyes became cloudy and I felt as though I could float on air and for the first time I thought I could laugh at them for being so stupid, but I had to restrain myself.  My heart sank from guilt for even thinking such a treasonous thought.  I felt my eyes filling with tears over my horrible mind.

Just as my clothes began to saturate with salty drops, I looked up to notice the door was opening and a pale light radiated across the room.  Everyone else seemed to go on as though everything was average.  My body felt warm as a figure glided gracefully towards me.  He is beautiful; he is a Technicolor enigma, ready to cleanse my gloomy Black and White world.  My skin became pink and my pale, dull whiteness faded away.

I was born at that moment, born into a new life.  My heart was full; overflowing with all of the things I thought I would miss.  My hideous soul was on the mend and I owe it all to him.  He saved me from the world that I thought I could never get out of.  I can live and breathe, because he was made for me and I was for him.  I know that if life were to end in the worst of all ways, I would leave this life happily.  Thank you, my mysterious savior.  I can love again.  I can love you.

Roll Back to the House
This is a FICTIONAL story that I had to write for English III.  When I was trying to find inspiration my CD player began playing "Here In My Room" by Incubus and a world entered my head.  A melancholy world and later is brought to light when a figure appears.
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