Book 2 Unit 1 - The Renaissance (Part 1)

1    What does the word "renaissance" mean?
      The word 'Renaissance' means rebirth.

2    What was the Renaissance in the history of Europe?
      The Renaissance in the history of Europe is art.

3    What were some of the changes or developments that took place in the Renaissance?
      People looked at things in a new way;
      (1)they were interested again in classical things, and in ancient Greco-Roman art and learning:
      (2)they developed an interest in the beauty around them;
      (3)they questioned unreasonable ideas and beliefs:
      (4)they had greater freedom
      (5)there were new developments in art, science, literature and religion.

4    How did the decline of feudalism help bring about the Renaissance?
      The nobles were away, many serfs left manors, become as freemen in towns, many of them were educated, they looked at things in a new way. So the Renaissance started.
5    How did the decline of Church influence help start the Renaissance?
      In the early Middle Ages, Rome in Italy was the centre of the Catholic Church. However, France controlled the Church in the early 14th century. She moved it from Rome to Avignon in southern France. In 1378, another Pope was elected in Rome. There were two Popes. Both wanted to be head of the Catholic Church. This quarrel for leadership lasted until 1417. It reduced people's support for the Church. It also reduced Church influence. As a result, many Europeans became interested in the world around them, and not just in religion. That is why the Renaissance began.
6    How did the invention of a movable type printing press help the Renaissance to     start?
       The movable type printing press was invented by Gutenberg in 1438. Other printers soon learned to use this new machine. Books could be printed more quickly. They did not have to be written by hand. Their price fell. People could afford to buy books. Ideas and earning spread easily when more people read books. This helped the spread of ideas and learning. So the Renaissance started.
7    How did the following cause the Renaissance to begin in Italy?
      ( a )  The special position of the Italian city states
      The special position of the Italian city states In the late Middle Ages, Italy was made up of many independent city-states. Feudalism had almost disappeared. Most of the Italians living in these city-states were freemen, and not serfs. They had great freedom. The could speak freely. The had more ideas about art and learning. So the Renaissance first began in Italy.
      ( b )  The Crusades
      Italy was on the route to the Holy Land. The traders of Florence, Venice, Genoa and other Italian city-states made a lot of money from the Crusades. They could pay good prices for fine art and paintings. As a result, famous artists and scholars all over Europe gathered
 in Italy. That is why the Renaissance first started in Italy.
      ( c )  Art and learning in Roman times
      Italy was the centre of art and learning in Roman times. Compared to other parts of Europe, Italy had more remains of ancient Roman art and learning. It was the best place to study classical things and learning. That is why the Renaissance first started in Italy.
      ( d )  The fall of Constantinople
      In 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Turks, many scholars escaped to Italy. They brought art, paintings and learning with them to Italy. This helped to increase   Italian interest in ancient Greco-Roman art and learning. So the Renaissance first began in Italy.
8    How did Humanism affect people in the Renaissance?
       During the Renaissance, many Europeans' thinking changed. God was still important. People were still religious. Yet they lived their lives to please themselves, and not just to please God. They were interested not only in religion, but also in classical learning and writing. Classical learning and writing were mainly about human affairs, and not just religion. We call these people humanists, and their ideas humanism.

9    How did Humanism influence art in the Renaissance?
       Artists of this time mainly made paintings and sculptures about people's lives. They wanted to show the beauty around them. Unlike Renaissance artists, medieval artists only made paintings and sculptures about religion. So Renaissance art and sculpture was more colourful and realistic than medieval art.

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