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This page is dedicated to DGeneral, who left the team as of 1/25/99. We're going to miss you, DGeneral. Thanks for everything.

As of 11/17/98, I became a Spirit Fairy for the Defenders!! Thanks goes out to Lady MoonWind, who submitted a recommendation of Wee One promotion to a fairy to DFairy Star.

After leaving the Angels, I soon found my new home with the Defenders! With the help of my online friends and Site Fights family, they have made it a smoothe and easy transaction for me! Kick back and enjoy my spirit page! When you are through, please visit my Avenging Angels spirit page!

Its official, I am now a Fairy for good!! :)

Look what I got on 10/16/98 !!

Won 2/3/99

Won 7/24/98

Won 9/18/98

Won 9/18/98

Wooooo, I must have great lungs! :o)

Thank you Deputy Tom... heh heh.. :o)

Thanks to DFriendz I have been mummified, assimilated, and enchanted!! AHHH!!!! Plus I was mummified by Spirit Lake!!

*S*H*O*U*T* *I*T* *O*U*T*!
Shout it out is for people to show their S*P*I*R*I*T*! So what are you waiting for? Go shout!

Please visit my Avenging Angels spirit page!

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