You Wanna Find Out About..... ME??? Are You Sick?




Forgive me because I'm not good at making this part interesting, but here goes. My name is Jenna, but usually am called Jen, Jennalynn, Janna, Gina, Jenny, whatever either somebody can't pronounce Jenna (Jeh-nah) or to annoy me. My real name is Jenna, NO I am NOT a Jennifer! LOL I was born on 2/16/84, and I live in a San Francisco suberb in California. Wow!


What do I look like? I'm 5'7", about average weight, and I have glasses. I hate glasses. Anyway, my hair is kind of a dirty blonde/golden brown color, it's hard to explain. It's layered just past my shoulders, but I want to cut it again. My eyes are brownish/hazel, and I have pale skin. I look kinda like Casper LOL ;-�


What do I like? A lot of things! I'm pretty loose. Ok, to be more specific, I'm big fans of these celebrities:
� Will Smith
� Mariah Carey
� Spice Girls
� Leo DiCaprio
� Jenna Elfman
� Celine Dion
I like to draw, cartoon, write, go on the internet, read, play basketball, volleyball, and esp. baseball, not having to do homework, blast music, and my dream car is a Camero. Oh yeah I'm a big fan of Marvin the Martian. I am a pretty busy person, but I always make time to have some fun. I have 5 birds. An Amazon named Taco, a dove named Ginger, 2 parakeets named Hootie and Kiwi, and an African grey named Max. We also got 6 cats: Chunky, Skittles, Mac, Toni, Judy and Cheez-whiz. Plus we have a really fat goldfish.


If I haven't bored you enough, write me at this addy! I would love a new pen pal!

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