Cassidy's Bloggy-ness and Shtuffies



Contact:My E-mail

Location:In the Good Ol' Colorado Country! It's boring here! *grin*

Groupies:Perty much anybody. Sometimes I'm with the freaks..*cough*alex*cough*, sometimes with the smart people, sometimes with the "cool" people, i even hang out with the screw ups sometimes...they can be fun sometimes...hehe. I'm a people person. ^^

Loves:I like a lot of stuff. I love reading, and photography, and teaching little kids, and horseback riding,,and cute little stuffed animals, and all my friends..and shtuff.


Music~Oldies, Goodies, and...COUNTRY!!! WOOH!I love the Betales, Jo Dee Messina, Shania Twain, Faith Hill,The Dixie get the idea...perty much all of the music on KYGO. "Colorado spells country 'K-Y-G-O'" hehehe

Movies~I love romances and stuff, usually Romantic Comedies, pretty much anything with Drew Barrymore. I also have gotten into action movies as of late. I think that stemmed from Minority Report...hehe..Tom Cruise is SOOOO cute! too bad he's so short though. oh well. My all time favorite movies are The Labyrinth(ooh...David Bowie...),um...The Fox and the Hound, it's my favorite Disney movie..I cry everytime...*sniffle* Um..i dunno what else..I can watch pretty much anything...Except Matrix, I have never been able to stay awake through that one..I don't really want to anyways..that one seen with the slow motion kicky thingy has just been SO overdone..

Books: this is an easy one...the Earth Children Series!!wooh! Clan o the Cave Bear, Valley of the Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, Plains of Passage, and Shelters of Stone. All Very good books. I also like othe classic book, like Gone with the ind and such..Romances, i love 'em, hehe.

Lookie at my really cool photography!!!

My Photography
More Photography

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2003 :: 2:02PM

Mood:My teeth hurt *^^*

Music:I don't know

Okie dokie, this isn't Cassidy this is Yui, she's sitting next to me here and we're both in school. o_O; Fun. She didn't want to update because she's a dork so I'm doing it for her! Yes, her teeth hurt because she has spacers thingers ^__^; I decided to post for her because it's almost been a year and I didn't want her to feel so stupid O_o yes! So... okay... yes.. I don't want to get caught doin this... bye byez till whenever the hell Cassidy herself posts... like that'll happen ^_~.

Cassidy looks... angry right now

~Cassidy and yes... Yuierz

Friday, July 5th, 2002 :: 2:00PM

Mood:Perty Perky *^^*

Music:Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under? Good Ol' Shania! Whoo!

YAY!!!!!! Lookie what I did!!! I've conquered HTML!!! Sorta! hehe. I'm in a very good mood now, cause...LOOK! look at my pretty page!! YAY! Ok,I'm over it...ok, not really but i'll pretend that I am anyways...hehe. Miaka helped me learn how to get started on my Blog yesterday. Then she came over and spent the night. We got to go see Men In Black 2. It was pretty good, but i still think that the first one was better. OOH....Look at the font! I changed it! it's not boring anymore! hehehe. Miaka is at work right now but she's coming back over at three. Then at five i get to go babysit my girls again, they are so cute! Well, i don't really have much to say right now, i'm just trying out this whole "posting" thingy...heheh...YAY!

My Lips Are Sealed at 2:15PM


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