Syaoran's Bitch! ^_^

Group blog!
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Yui's Blog!
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She's kissed you with shadows... She's caressed you with twilight... And now? The third time is the charm... SEDUCED BY MOONLIGHT by Laurell K. Hamilton Look for it in bookstores February 3, 2004 To read an excerpt go to:

Lookie my pretty drawings!!

UCC Addy!>^^<

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Date: January 27, 2004
Time: 2:06 p.m.
Current mood: Bummed..

Dood... Ok, in Rise of a Nation state germany we were playing jeopardyfor review, and Mr. Barnhardt's rule is the first place winner gets 10% of their points added to their test, 2nd gets 6%, and 3rd gets 4%. Well, we were adding up the last points from final Jeopardy and Mr Barnhardt tells the score keeper to write 699 on the board, which would have put our group in first place with 880, but last second, after everyone in our group goes and cheers, he tells him " And add a one in front of it." In other words they won with a little under 1000 points more than us. I was sooo bummed when he did that... Thats was just mean. *sigh* Anyway, we came in second! >_>; Out of three.. -_-;

I have Japanese today, and I am actually pretty happy about it. I get to see how well I did on the test. >^^< I think I did pretty good actually, and that makes me feel really good. I've been trying really hard to do all of my work and make sure I know everything before I take the test. *^^* I should go though, class is almost over. Bai bai all!!! *waves*

Alex, making a mad dash for the door @ 2:16 pm.

Date: January 20, 2004
Time: 2:18 p.m.
Current Mood: .. Um.. Angered? >_>;

Ok.. Well, It's the end of Info Proccessing, and I am verily angered. Every dad I come into this class, someone else has taken my seat. I 'never' come back to the same seat, and it annoys the hell out of me. >_< Well, anyway, Japanese!!! Whee!! Bai all!

Alex, closing everything, and dashing off to UCC @ 2:20 p.m.

Date: January 18, 2004
Time:11:10 am
Current mood:... Um.. I hurt.

Well, I changed my layout. I likes it. >^^< It's all Syaoran nifty ness. *^^* Well, I'm going to that MLK walk today, and it's kinda cold outside. *sigh* I should prolly be finishing getting ready though, so I should get going. I'll post something else, sometime. *^^* Bai all! >^^<

Alex, not wanting to be cold, bundling up for the walk @ 11:14

Date:January 12, 2004
Current Mood:I'm great. I think.. >_>;

Ok, well I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm not quite sure why, but yeah.. Not much sleep to be had for me. *shrugs* Oh well. I got a couple new markers, a blending marker and a lighter peach tone. >^^< It's makes meh happy.

Info proccessing is pretty boring.. >_>;; I am pretty far ahead of everyone.. just about. -_-;; Although, I think the teacher likes me, cause I usually know what I am talking about. Heh heh. I think I convinced him he needed a tablet. *giggles* >^^< They are good things, that everyone should have. So yeah... Anyway.. >_>;; I have nothing else to say really. Although I did put some other stuff over on my side bar for Laurell K. Hamiltons new Merideth Gentry book. It's good stuff. Well, depending on your tastes.. >_< I have talked to people who really don't like her writing. o_O It's odd. Cassidy would like the sex. Lol. *^^* *cough cough* Well, yeah I'm gonna go check out homestar runner now. BAI! >^^

Alex, goofing off when she should be doing other things @ 2:09pm

Date:January 5, 2004
Time:1:51 pm
Current Mood: Happy as a clam.

Once again, it's been forever since I last posted. I just remember Sarah mentioning she updated her blog, and I decided it would be something to occupy my time in Info Proccessing. Heh heh. I guess this class won't be all that bad seeing as how as soon as we are done with the work for the day we get to goof off on the computers all we want. >^^< It's a good deal to me.

I got a lot of nifty stuff for Christmas. Lots of not quite so appropriate stuff from Gary, like just about everyone else. Heh heh. I also got some new anime from Em's, and lots of nifty Japanese... plateware? Whatever you wanna call it, it's nifty. Then ironically I got a really nice sushi platter and wasabi/ginger saucers, and a set of nice japanese bowls from my brother. Heh heh. It's actually really cool, cause this way I can have a dinner party type thing now. Should be happy. *^^* I am 'really' twitchy right now.. >_O A lot of the people in this class are very annoying. -_-;; Oh well.

I also got some cool stuff from my mom and dad. I got a very nice set of Prisma Color Markers, and a nice Keyboard piano. It's pretty cool. Oh oH!!! I also got Pirates of the Carribean!! *^^* That makes me pretty happy. Hee hee. Chris also sent me a present which you have all already seen. *points to her teddy bear* Hee hee. ^__^ AND last but not least, I got a new CD player on Saturday because my mom ment to get me one for Christmas, but she didn't see any she liked. >^^< It's really really cool cause it can also read MP3 files, so you can burn a shit load of music on one disk and it will play them, and tell you the title of what it playing. It's really nifty. >_>;; I like that word.. Nifty. Nifftay! >^^< Hee hee.

Enough about Christmas though. I had lots of fun at Megan's New Years party. It makes me very happy that we have.. *counts* Less than five months left of school. *cheers* Woot!!! >^^< I can't wait till it's over. You have noooo idea. I just hope I am able to pass everything. This class won't really be a problem, and from what I have gathered from the other classes, I won't have all that hard of a time. I will get 'very' little homework, which is freakin' fantastic. Cause if I have no homework, then I won't have a problem getting in turned in now will I? Hee hee. I will have home work in a total of.. 3 classes. Prolly not even that, cause one of them is Art. You have no idea how happy that makes me!! ^_____^ Well, I should go, there is less than 15 minutes left of class. *grin* Happy day!

Alex, frantically typing for no reason at all @ 2:06 pm

Date:September 24, 2003
Time:3:21 pm
Current Mood: Umm.. I'm sick.

Well, lets see, I haven't posted her in a really long time, obviously, and there has been at least a few things I should post on here. Eh heh. >^^< So here I go!

I went to the anime con last weekend, and it was ok. I have to admitt though I did not the best time there. People kept ditching me, and I was alone pretty much the whole time. Ok, so I wasn't alone the whole time, and sometimes I was only because people were doing things I did not want to do, but still. Hum.. well, on Saturday I pretty much ruined my Sakura wand because I tripped over a door stop and hurt my knee, and scuffed up my brand new shoes. And then on top of that I just about lost my wallet with sixty dollars still in it. But thankfully, some one had picked it up and turned it into the main office's lost and found. And then on sunday I went to go buy something and found that 20 dollars had been stolen from my wallet while I was playing a friendly game of Cup. I had set my purse down with everyone else's stuff, and of course I had stopped paying attention to it for a few moments, and while I was someone must have gotten into my purse because before I started to play Cup, my wallet was zipped and secure, and after, it was unzipped and missing twenty dollars. So there you have it, a wonderfully bad weekend, minus a few other details that I am too lazy to write about. Oh well, next year will be better, what with my costumes to be made. >^^< And I preregistered as well so I am happy. Well, *sniffles because her nose is stuffed up and running* Bai all!

Alex, being sick and grounded from the computer @ 3:37 pm

Date:August 21, 2003
Current Mood:*keels over from stress*

Dood.. I have sooo much stuff to do! Oh my god! >_< I work on Monday Tuesday and Friday, I have three clubs on Wednesday, and anime club on Thusday. I have almost NO time for anything else but homework! ;__; It's horrible. Ok, it's not really horrible, it's actually REALLY FUN, but I am just really getting over loaded. Don't let me take on other stuff unless it is for community service, cause I will end up over stressed and die! >_<;;

I am sooooo excited about the anime club! It really sounds promising this year. If we can keep our numbers up it is going to be soooooo fun! >^^< I will work really really hard to make sure to keep it interesting and make people want to come everyweek. Unlike last year when it didn't really matter if people showed up cause it was the same damn thing again and again. -_-;;; I can't wait for NDK either! If we get our whole big group to go! Dood that would rock!! >^^< heh heh. I seriously think that would be freakin awesome.*buzzes with excitment!!* I need to clam down!!!!! >^^< I am typing waaaay too fast for my brain to proccess... Wlel I think I'm going to stop, cause if I keep going I'm going to explode! >^^< Bai bai all!!! I love you!!!!!

Alex, spazzily danincing around @ 5:29 pm

Date:July 17, 2003
Time:1:55 pm
Current Mood: I'm fan-freakin-tastic! >^^<

I got my tablet and all is well!!! Dood.. It's soooo cool! I got the smaller one though, cause it was cheaper and it works just fine for me because my strokes are so small. >^^< I should put my pictures on here when I'm done. They were my "getting used to things" doodle. >_>;; Well, lets see. Im working full time now, and have nothing to do every now and then. Oh! If any of you want to email me at work I will have a link on the sidebar over there for it. >^^< It'll just be a regualy link unlike my Sakura link for my hotmail addy. Well, I'm gonna stop so I can put that link there before I have to go back to working. Bai bai all!!! *huggles* >^^<

Alex, wanting to doodle like some odd.. rabid... creature? @ 2:00 pm

Date:July 14, 2003
Time:1:37 pm
Current Mood: I'm great! Besides feeling sick.. @_@

I am so freakin happy dood. I get paid tomorrow and I'm getting my Graphics tablet on Wednesday. It'll rock. I'll also actually have a chaecking account and stuff, so I will have my own checks and my own atm card and all that good stuff. >^^< Hee hee. Twill be fantastic. I REALLY can't wait till wednesday though, cause I have been wanting a graphics tablet for a REALLY long time. Heh heh.

Oh! I went and saw Pirates of the Carribean yestureday, and I loved it. I mean I don't really like pirates, but that movie kicks arse. It makes me want to doodle Captain Jack Sparrow cause he rocks. ^__^;; In fact I think I will when I get my tablet. Whoot! Well I'm going to go cause I have nothing else to write and I need to check other peoples stuff before lunch is over. >^^< Bai bai all!! I luff ya all!!! *huggles greatness*

Your magical style is Faery.
What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox
Alex, humming toherself because he cd's are all skipping @ 1:43 pm.

How stoopid are ~YOU~ *points to you* O.o
brought to you by Quizilla
Date:July 11, 2003
Time:4 something.. pm
Current mood:Bored out of my skull...

Well, I'm at work and I litterally have NOTHING to do right now. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I prolly shouldn't even be on here, although I am granted a 15 minute break in the afternoon. So yeah. Oh! As far as I know I am going to Sama Neko's house this weekend! I haven't seen her in SOOOO long and I can't wait! >^^< I really have nothing to post here.. Truely really. Lol I have my computer all set up at work, and it's great because Jon, the guy who does the computer stuff hooked me up with everything I'm going to need. I havea bigger hard drive, I have a sound card, and all that yummy technical stuff. >^^< Hee hee. He's funny too. I met his fiance this afternoon at lunch. She's really nice. Hee hee. Well I think I'm going to go now. I have nothing else to say and Josh is online so I'm going to go talk to him. >^^< Bai bai!!
You represent... apathy.
You represent... apathy. You don't really show any emotion. You can be
considered cruel and cold, but you just don't
really care about anything. This is just the
way you are... you're quite a challenge to get
close to, and others may perceive you as

What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are Scarlet.

(((~*~What Personality Color Are You?~*~)))
brought to you by Quizilla
Alex, randomly chatting because work today is done @ 4 something p.m.

Date:July 7, 2003
Time:8:09 pm
Current mood:I'm tired, and thuroughly disturbed...

Ok, last night I had the most god aweful dream ever.. It was just horrible! I dreamt that I was here at home, and there were all of my friends over here, and these two women came to the door and barged in with knives ready to kill everyone in the house. Well my friends and I ran up the stairs but they got one of my friends and there was nothing I clould do so I ran with the others to my room. They followed us up there, and I was trying with all of my might to keep the door shut with just my weight but it wasn't working and they stabbed me in the arm to get in, and took the other two of my friends. I grabbed my kitten, which for some reason I had it in my head that someone REALLY important to me had given me the cat and that was why it was even more important for me to keep it safe. I managed to get out of that room with another stab to my upper arm and I went downstairs and slammed the door behind me, forcing myslef up against it and using the edge of the bed to hold myself in place so they couldn't get though, but the door is once of the hoolow doors, and they stabbed me in the back through the door forcing me to move to let them in. They cut me up REALLY bad, but they also got the cat and stabbed it in the stomache and I screamed at them doing that to the cat but didn't make a fuss at all when they hurt me. They saw that I cared more about that cat, that it meant more to me than myself, because that person had given it to me to remember them by while they were gone. So they hurt the cat more, and finally I managed to get the cat away from them, breaking the things they were using to cut everyone. They had paint scrappers so it was flimsy metal, I broke the end of it, and shoved in into one of thier legs, and then into the others chest to get away. I dashed up the stairs to the front door, and ran outside to find that guy that had given me the cat< or at least that who it was to me in my dream.> just getting out of the car. I screamed to him as I ran to the car and opened the door. He asked me what happened but I couldn't say anything, all I had on my mind was that I was happy he was ok, and that the cat needed to be helped, cause I was afraid it was going to die.. So we took off in the car to the hospital, and he was obviously much more concerned with me, but at the time I wasn't even mentally aware that he was the one driving us and I desperately needed that kitten to live for me to even bother thinking about my own bleeding body...

Well, when I woke up I was crying and I was rubbing my hands on my pajama pants, trying to get the blood off my hands.. yeah, the blood that didn't exist.. I could still feel the thinker than water like subtance of the cats blood and my own blood on my hands. I still can't stop thinking of how the cat tiny kitten looked in my hands, all bloodied up and mewing for a little bit until it didn't have the energy to do that anymore... God it was horrible.. *shivers with the thought.* Well, I'm going to go get my mind of that horrible horrible dream.. Bai everyone...

Alex, completely and thuroughly disturbed and horrified @ 8:14 pm

Date:July 1, 2003
Time:10:27 am
Current mood:I am awake, and just kinda nothing right now..

Dude.. My birthday is in like.. 23 days. *nod nod* I'm counting down the days! ^__^;; I guess the only problem now is that there isn't really anything I can think of that I would want.. *sighs* On top of that I have plenty of money from getting that new job that I don't really have anything I can just go get once I get my paycheck.. *yawns* Well.. I'm going to go play some video games for now because I really just don't have anything to talk about, or at least anything I feel like posting on here. So yeah. Bai bai all! I love ya! *huggles everyone!*

Alex, playing final fantasy 9 @ 10:34 am.

Date:June 30, 2003
Time:1:47 pm
Current mood:I am pretty happy. >^^<

Whoot! Dude.. this rocks! I got a job and it's really easy and actually kind of fun! Office work stuff here is pretty easy, and the pay is good too. My lunch hour is almost over though so yeah.. I think I will stop posting, and as I have said before, I will never finish the post so I won't even say I will... Bai bai!!! >^^<

Alex, going back to work @ 1:58 pm

Date:June 19, 2003
Time:7:29 pm
Current modd:I'm great!

I have been here at my brothers house all day. Angie's bridal shower was today so that what I was doing. I guess I'm fine with them getting married, Nich and Angie that is. Although i would have liked to have been in the actual wedding. Oh well, I'll live. >^^< I went and saw my brothers house to be. It's really cool, and it should be really nice once it's finished. Although i can't tell other people that are here about it, because they haven't told everyone about them getting it. It should be cool.

I finally got my permit. We went over there anf got it yesturday, and now my mom is all psyched about teaching me. I think her standards of my driving potential are a lot higher than I really am capable of though.. Heh heh. I'm actually a little scared of driving. I'm not sure how well I would be able to do it. I'm sure I will get used to it, but I dunno.. -_-;; Oh well. I hav to be social now.. I think. Either that or I am just out of things to say.. Yeah I think it's the latter.. Heh heh. Bai bai all!!! *huggles on all you!* >^^<

Alex, mingling with the peoples @ 7:37 pm

Date:June 15, 2003
Time:4:05 pm
Cureent Mood:I'm Great!!! I think. >^^<;;;

Ok, yesturday was fun, Cassidy Meg and I hung out at the carnival, cause Gary took off with Emily. We rod a few rides although I don't think the 20 dollars I spent on the wristband was worth it.. I only rode like.. *counts* 7 rides.. -_-;;; Oh well, I prolly would have spent it there anyway, reguardless of what it was. I wasn't really into the Parker Days thing this year. I dunno, it just didn't seem as fun. I had fun, but it seems like I had more fun previous years.. *sigh*

Well, we might be moving. We will still live in Parker, but we will live litterally right down the street from Gary. It'll be a nice change, because I really hate this house. Heh. Although I prolly won't be living there long. You know cause of college, and what not. I'm thinking about goig to Japan.. er something. I really really want to. *dreams* Well I'm going to go now.. So yeah.. >^^< BAI BAI!!!! *huggles all*

Alex, being bored, and singing along with her music @ 4:12 pm

Date:June 13, 2003
Cureent Mood:I am sooo much better.

Ok.. Last night I was really depressed like. I just wasn't myself. Chris can vouch for that. BUT I'm better. Gary and I had a nice big long talk about things, and I'm much, much better. >^^< My grandma is in town now, in fact we just got back from picking her up from the air port. I'm happy she's here, it'll give me someone to talk to during the day while my father takes over the computer all day long.. -_-;; Anyway, I think I will go feed my dogs and call Merrigan to see if we're gonna hang out at Parker days. >^^< Bai bai all!!!

Alex, planning a fantactic weekend with friends @ 6:33 pm

Date:June 10, 2003
Time:6:44 pm
Current mood: I'm great!

Ok, I am really feeling better now. I was having troubles earlier, too much stuff to think about. But now that I have gotten a couple things cleared up, I am a happy little camper. It's really wierd though. For the past like two weeks a bunch of people from anime nation have been talking to me. I mean, I have been posting there for a couple years now, and they never have before, and all of a sudden I have like fitty friends talking to me from there. >^^< It's great! ^__^;; I want to post more, but I don't know what else to say here, so.. until next time, remember to brush your teeth. >_> Er.. wait a minute.. I mean. BAI!? >_> I think..

Alex, trying to keep up with her bajillions of friends @ 6:58 pm

Date: May 24, 2003
Time:12:56 pm
Current mood: Meh.. I guess I'm good..

Today has been one of those, "I don't really want to do anything, but I prolly will do something cause people want to" kind of days. My mom has been bugging the heck outta me this morning telling me to do too many things all at once. >_> It's insane. Oh well. Oh oh!! I got a letter from Chris on Thursday. It was soooo sweet.. >^^< I love him. Dude, his handwriting is so cool lookin. Heh heh. Ok sorry, I'll shut up. ^__^ So I guess Gary is with Emily now, and all is well. Which makes me happy to know, because now I can talk to him freely, and he doesn't mind anymore that I have Chris. *smiles* We had this REALLY long talk on Thursday about old times, and how things are now. It was comforting. I guess personally I needed to know that I didn't totally kill him er something like that. So yeah, I feel better, and things are goin' good. I had fun at Meg's BBQ, but that random guy.. Adam.. yeah, he was wierd. I didn't talk to him really, but still. You can always count on Catlin to make things more interesting. Heh. Well I should go, stop rambling about stuff, and do things, that I dun really care if I do or not. Heh heh. BAI BAI!!!

Alex, getting ready to go to another BBQ at Gary's Dad's @ 1:05 pm.

Date: May 11, 2003
Time: 12:42 pm
Current mood: Happy!!! ^_______^

I'm in a good mood. My brother and his fiance, Angie, came over for mothers day, and we're goign to barbque. >^^< And last night was the most fun I have had is soooooo long. Prom was pretty fun, but I'm not one for dances, cause I can't really dance. I didn't slow dance once last night. I don't like slow dancing. It bores me. Also they play a lot of crappy music as well, you know.. Rap.. slow, not fun country. >_> They never play all the music that the majority of the school listens to. Of course, Gary would hate that.. -_- Can't like something everyone else enjoys. Um.. well, I have to go be social with my brother.. I would say that I'll write more later, but we both know I won't. So bai bai!!!! >^^<

Alex, trying to strike up an interesting conversation with her brother, and failing horribly because of his lack of interst in anything he once liked @ 12:52 pm.

Date: May 4, 2003
Time: 9:56 pm
Current Mood: Well, I'm uncommonly tired, and unable to sleep.

Dude.. I'm.. so tired. >_> I can't sleep!!!! I hate insomnia.. Argh. Although last night, and the night before I fell asleep early, I woke up in the middle of the night, and could go back to sleep. Oh well, I think I will go play with Photoshop now, cause I just got it recently, and yeah. Tootles.

Alex, being horrible tired, and playing with cool bg's @ 10:03 pm

Date: April 24, 2003
Time:9:25 am
Current mood: Tired, but glad I'm not in school!

Whoot! I got to go to work with my mom today instead of going to school. It's something everyone can enjoy... ^_____^ Chris got me a phone card the other day ago, and I got to talk to him last night. >^^< He's so cute! Heh heh. Oh, but his mom scared the crap out of me a few days ago. I was talking to her, telling her about how I don't really like children, and that i wasn't planning on having any.. like.. ever. But she goes and tells me " Oh hun, you can't help that, it just kinda happens." O_O I was spazing out. Here I am, talking to Chris' mother about having kids! >_> It was odd.

The people here at my mom's work are really nice, and this guy named Corey (yes.. I know, it's wierd.) is the funny one. He's always cracking jokes about other people. Heh heh. It was funny. Oh! We might get to go out for chinese food for lunch. Mmmm ^_______________________^ I love chinese food. There are only a few other kids here, but I figured I could get along with them, cause the place my mom works prefered that they were middle school, high school students. DUDE!!! I just got a crap load of M&M's! Whoot!! These people rock! *^^* I like this place... Hee hee. Well I should prolly shut up already, and try and see whats wrong with my scroll bar for my navigation thinger. I think it might have just been the computer I was on, but I wanna check, cause if not then I need to fix it. Well, BAI ALL!!!! I'll prolly write some more later. *huggles everyone, and smiles happily*

Alex, graddually building up a sugar high, and a caffine buzz @ 9:37 am

Date:April 17, 2003
Time:10:54 am
Current mood: O_O Spazily hyper! >_O

DUDE! I haven't posted on here, like in a long time.. O_O My mom cut off my cable internet. Now I have to put up with fogging dial up connection!! >_< Oh have Zelda and I love eet!!!! I luff eet gooood!!! >^^< Well, lunch time! BAI!!

Alex, heading off to lunch in a hyper happiness mode @ 11:10 am

Date:March 24, 2003
Time:1:23 pm
Current Mood: Odd... >_>

I'm listening to Kana, and I'm in Tech Lab. I drive people crazy with the Jpop I bring in. >^^< Hee hee. O_O I have to go though.. I'll write more later.. BAI!!!

I like I said earlier, I never finish my posts.. >_>

Date:March 21, 2003
Time:3:01 pm
Current Mood: Well, I could say that I'm angry about the snow, but other than that I'm in a good mood.

There really hasn't been much of anything to write about here, so I haven't been writing. I know I need to post more on here, just because people look at my blog, and it's always the same. >_> Kinda boring, so I'm going to try and keep up here. Even if there really isn't anything to write.

Oh, I guess one good thing is that I'm playing Final Fantasy X a LOT. It's a really fun game. >^^< And Rikku is sooooo cute! *^^* Hee hee. Well, I have to go work on the dishes some more, and stuff. so.. BAI!!! >^^<

Alex, getting prune hands from washing dishes @ 3:05 pm.

Date:March 4, 2003
Time:12:58 pm
Current Mood: -_-;;; I feel like shit.

Ok, I know I haven't posted here in a long time, but I just haven't had anything to post. Although I did add a couple things to my Navigation. I've been having a feild day on neopets. I love them. >^^< My favorite neopet is an Ixi. Hee hee. You should check out my drawings, I put them up on my navigation, but the link looks funky. >_> It spread the words out all wierd like.

To tell you the truth I have been having a bad day that carried over from yesturday. Yesturday couldn't have gotten any worse than it had. Then to top off my horrible day, my dad was drinking, and I couldn't sleep. I swear, sometimes life just seem's to be out to get me. *sigh* Oh well, I got to talk to Chris, so that made me happy. Well, class is just about over, so I should go now. *huggles everybody.* i luv ya!! >^^< Bai bai! >_> I'm not really as happy as I seem...

Alex, having yet another bad day @ 1:16 pm.

Date:February 21, 2003
Time:11:24 pm
Current Mood:Sick, and stuff.

Ok, I know you are prolly thinking that I change this layout WAY too much, but I've been trying to find one I like. I think I've found it. Tadda!! I like this one a lot, and I think I am going to stick with it for a while. I also decided to start with a new clean blog, no old posts, all brand new. *^^* I hope you like it. I like the little scrolly navigator thinger at the top, tis spiffy. Well, I'm going to go work on my links and such now. Bai bai all!!

Alex, finally satisfied with her layout @ 11:28 pm.
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