Stephan Funke,  FRPS, EFIAP.
I was born in 1929 in Meerane, Saxony, in
the middle of Germany and emigrated to Finland in 1951 to live and work there for 44 years. My adult children Tapani, Rauni and Sami are living in Finland  while I moved to live in Thailand after my retirement  in 1995. I settled down in the outskirts of Bangkok, in the Nonthaburi province.
After textile= and garment related studies
in Germany I worked in the Finnish garment industry and = trade until my retirement.
My hobby is photography. A serious appoach to this came after retirement.
Being a member of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain I gained their
distinctions : LRPS in 1998, ARPS in 1999
and finally a Fellowship in the theatrical section, FRPS in 2001.
Additionally I am a Star exhibitor of the Photographic Society of America and activ in local, bangkogian photographic societies.
My main interest is in people photography and as a theatre - lover, it is Stage Photography.
Click here to see the older  pictures
Contact me
Other links:
My files at
The other members of
My friends at
Photography 1952 - 2005
Helsinki in 1952, the year of the
Helsinki Summer Olympics.
Summer in Finland 2008:
- Mikkeli - Anttola - Savonlinna
- sailing Lake Saimaa from Savonlinna to Kuopio
- a trip to Mt.Koli, Lake Koitere and Ilomantsi
- people I met and visited this summer.
- The opening ceremony of the HELSINKI 1952 exhibition 04.08.2008
Easter time in Central Thailand (2009)
With steamship on  Lake Saimaa.
Brand new in Summer 2009
Marketplaces, churches and monestaries in Savo, Summer 2009
The latest!
Sorry, this link was deleted by request of some   birthdayparty guests (for the time being.....)
Birthday 2009:
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