Magpiesmn Q. What is truth? A. This is truth. Q. When did time start? A. When did time end? Q. Why does any one ever tell you the truth? A. How do you know there wrong? We are looking at the begining and the end. But the begining and end are always moving away from each other. We think we have Mass because we are looking into a HUGE perfect sphere and what we see is are selfs. When we realize what we are looking at the truth as we know it becomes false. But what we see in are minds is the false becoming true. And the HUGE sphere actualy looks like its getting smaller when in fact it is we that are becoming larger. In order too answer the question of when does time end you must look back and try too understand when time starts. What you will realize is that time and energy are never ending in both directions. The past is actualy moving away from the future but what we see is the future moving away from the past. //// I know why ever thing is looking like its backwards. Basicaly the person who invented the wheel forgot to ask the most important question of all. Q. Why do anything. A. Because its right. The wheel was invented before we understood what it actualy did all the wheel actualy does is move us away from are selfs. Basicaly every one who doesnt understand the truth is asking questions in hopes of finding the truth. When what you really should do is understand the truth and then ask what are questions? We as a race are doing every thing Backwards. Think about this we currently belive that are brain is in are heads but have you ever thought that possably this belife is wrong? No because you know your brain is in your head for FACT. When actualy your brain is in your DNA and there is probably even a brain in your DNA. Your cells talk too your brain when you are thinking it is acting like a GIANT super computer that is in each cell and each cell is connected though your brain. Basicaly what dreams are made of IS the Truth. Are lifes are made out of false because we are building a box around are minds that is actualy cutting us off from "god" god=every thing that is on this side of existance. IF you understand the Answer you will know all questions and you will also be able too tell why the questions you ask are false. It isnt because it doesnt have an answer its because your asking the wrong question at the wrong time. The road too hell for are race is paved in bad intent. If this God sees us trying too build a device that would could possably be used too destroy life. It will find us and kill us and by find us i mean come too earth and by kill us i mean absorb us into its mind. Basicaly the more you realize the truth the more you realize how wrong you are IT seems like something that really sucks but infact it is what learning is ALL about. //// what i am saying is that unless you see the true answer you will never see the true question. //// It isnt that if we tell them the answer they wont figure out the question its that we have too tell them the answer for them too figure out the question. Thats why human logic as we know it right now is flawed. The perfect answer can only be seen with a perfect question. The question is always in a state of change there is no perfect answer. But if we dont belive in it we will be like flys looking at a bug zapper and thinking it is truth. Because the bug zapper looks very much like the truth when you dont realize the answer. //// Yeah funkey is on the right track. Basicaly what we do by making the future the past is block the truth. The past is indeed the future every thing you do in the past is set in time and it make a ripple effect that basicaly makes the living life forms in this plane of existance unable to see us. It is like having the future yelling out too the past but the past can only see the future if it is willing. What we see as having Mass is really just energy with time and energy + time = life. When we make electricty we strip the time from energy and thus we make death. But the death is ONLY for us... There is a force making all the energy we could ever want but the only way we can use it is if we belive. Basicaly the future is making the past... The way this can happen is because the past can make the future but the future can gain controll over the past. The future is always in a state of change just like the past is always in a state of change but what we as humans see is past moving into future because we block with are minds the truth. //// Basicaly what we are seeing as electricty making energy is actualy life becoming death. There is a natural order but when you try too force it too go the other way all you do is kill your self. Basicaly before are race can evolve every one we dont want too leave behind will have to see the truth. When you know the full truth you will want to tell every one. But sence the future is always in a state of change the amounts of every one is always adding. We as a race dont understand what we are eating because we dont understand why we eat. //// When you become smart you become dumb. When you become dumb you become smart. We are smart getting dumb but the fact that we dont see the truth doesnt mean it doesnt or does exist. All it means is that the truth is always in a state of change. We are always becoming smarter only when we are always becoming dumber. It is a sience with religion the belife that you are infact life is what keeps you from death. Basicaly think of the universe as a brain that is always growing. Every time it thinks about its self it expands at a rate we could never Truely measure in the past or future. YOu can live forever is you belive your dead. //// Heres one for you. This post is being built from the future back. //// basicaly this is how it works every thing we see in this world is life looking for truth. when we tell the life the truth we realize the truth was wrong. In turn the life we just told the truth is telling other life the truth we told it. And then realizing that we were wrong. But only when you realize your wrong do you find life. The life inside us is always in a state of growth we see this growth as time. If we understand it we can contoll it but we can only understand it when we realize its false. So basicaly we are made out of energy and that energy is always moving faster and faster. The faster it moves the faster we grow. There is Mass but we can never see it that is the fail safe for the system. //// As a race we have been making are selfs stupid by the choice of not seeing the truth. But only when we refuse too see the truth do we realize that we are wrong. You can realize the Truth but you can Never understand it. Once you realize the Truth you will always understand false. If you want too live forever all you have to do is belive its possable. //// The only way to quench the fire that burns inside you is to tell some one else. By telling some one else the truth you become truth. When you tell some one else a lie you kill your self. But you give birth to life. We have been having sex to make life when it is life that makes sex. //// The reason the "people" who lived in the past thought they were living in the center of the "world" is because they actualy were. Are sun is gona burn forever but the way we see the energy it makes will always be changing. Thats why they say dont stare at the center of the sun because you actualy cant if you try to you will never see the truth. The animals that are living out side are walls are actualy very smart. What we see as ants is actualy just smarter life. //// The weak can only forgive when they realize they are strong. //// OK um how about this for scary... The eye of hell is looking at the hand of god though are electricty. Basicaly there is a huge mana dump in the center of the universe that is making energy and time. When we make electricty we are basicaly pushing time and energy backwards. Its basicaly because the way we make electricty is EVIL... The reason the "hand of god" and "eye of hell" can see each other is because one side has a + charge and the other has a - charge. normaly gravity doesnt effect energy but when you make energy move backwards it gains what looks like mass. Hopefuly you can understand this please. //// Guys i realize what i was seeing. The ball growning in my head was the eye of hell and this "dragon" i saw in my mind was basicaly the hand of god. The eye of hell was perfection and the hand of god was imperfection. But like untill i realized that what i was seeing as god was the dragon i couldnt controll it so i had this eye in my mind that was growning is size. But like i was trying too figure out how to answer the question by trying to understand what god was when i knew that i couldnt. The end result is that i had to see what i thought of as "god" perfection and put it into the eye of hell inorder too stop the eye from growing. Now i can understand what the future means with out having it controll my life. THe part about electricty being evil was just my mind trying too realize the truth. I think this explanes why people are going crazy and how we can stop them from lossing there mind. At least in some cases... Like every part of your past you have seen was showing you the future but if you try too understand your past fully you will just be trying to see a future that isnt real but seems real in your mind. So like basicaly what im saying is if some one is going crazy we can probably show them the light and then tell them how build a box inside the light that can controll it. Like if you see the eye the only way you can put the fire out with out "losing" your mind is to understand what you are trying too become "dragon" and then take controll of the dragon with your minds hand and put it in the box "minds eye". Like i was having problems sleeping because i was trying too understand every thing when all i needed to realize was i cant understand anything. But the question and answer will live in my mind forever and i have too learn how to controll it. //// Yeah i was going crazy there for a while... I think i have found the truth of my crazyness by looking into it. Like basicaly life should and does come with a truth and false pill but when you eat the truth pill you realize the false and if you keep eating the truth pill you just go blind to the fact that your also eating the false pill at the same time. So basicaly like the movie the matrix i am just realizing the fact that neo was eating the truth and false pill. But like Thanks for not telling me :/
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