Fun King A Story
Where, when, and why we formed the band, what we have done, how we became famous, and some other interesting facts about Fun King A(Formerly Top 40).
Lyrics from almost all of Fun King A's songs, both released and rare.
Where the hell are these guys playing?
If you haven't heard us before, here are some mp3's.
A whole bunch of Fun King A (Top 40) pics; from the crude underground, to secret jam sessions, to huge rock concerts, to Fun King A(The New Beginning)
Talkin' bout our first EP, "The Beautiful Antique Indo-China".
The Game Done Changed
The Latest Poop, "The Game Done Changed EP".
Message Bored
Talk to us, tell us what you think, talk with your friends, whateva.
Fun King A Receipe
The Fun King A receipe of the Day!('Nuff Said)
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Fun King A News
  • We have a demo, we have songs, but we ain't got no drummer...... If you are interested, or know somebody that is, or if you just want to write to say "Fuck off", leave a message on the message board
  • New Demo is done...Write to Joe at [email protected] for samples
Random Shit

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