Funky fresh! - css version 1
css design by :devfunkyalien:
Your main journal content goes in here.
-Commissions- List -Promised gift images- List -Art Trades- List Current competitions List Useful reading JOURNAL/DEVIATION TITLE - :devUSER: Journal CSS tutorials The-Complete-CSS-Tutorial - :devDragonX141: Getting the most out of your CSS - :devGrayda: CSS Tutorial Part I: BASICS - :devLilyas: CSS Template Rundown - :devNyssi: How to make CSS - :devSayane: Make your CSS journal - :devdot-Silver: Icyworlds.net Journal CSS Editor 0.7.1 (works with firefox) Webmonkey.com
(Add your thumbs, clubs, and other stuff here) (EXAMPLE) :iconbanetwork: :thumb65261130:
(This last part is entirely optional)