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6/17/2004 - So, what's up?  I'm chillin here in sunny Columbus, OH.  Well, actually it's always raining but whatever.  Congrats to my brother Ryan for graduating as a Computer Engineer from UC!!!!  I've been hard at work on the techno, and an official CD will be out in about a month that I'll pass around.  So keep in touch.


10/9/2003 - Yo, just got back from an exam.  I hate those things.  Anyway, just put a little music that's playin right now.  I'm still trying to find a good site to host my mp3's so that you can download them.  Other than that,  Life is Viewtiful!  Later.


6/19/2003 - How's it goin in the gizza my shizza?  Badass concerts all up in this summer...Anyway, leave me an IM we can chill.  I'm in Mason right now, frequenting the Community Center (that's where I get my crazy bball lingo lol).  Alright, that's enough retardation for one day.  Call me if you want to hang out, and remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

P.S.  I made the song that's playing right now, it's called 'Tech.'


4/26/2003 - Word up?  Anyway, not much goin on right now.  Root for Weise at his tournament this weekend.  Linkin Park kicks your ass, and don't miss the DT concert coming up in July.  Peace.


2/26/2003 - Yo, I put up a MIDI.  It's a remix of some Zelda 64 music.

10/30/2002 - I must be bored or something.  Anyway, I'm going to mess with this site again.  Maybe make it cool or something.  I'm definately going to get some of the music I've made on here, even if no one listens to it but me.  Oh yeah, Soul Calibur 2 is cool.

9/11/2002 - Hey, long time no see.  I've been having a fun summer so far, making music and working.  Now it's almost time to go back to school, which sucks.  I'm going to upload an mp3 for Shannon.  That's about it.


4/29/2002 - Yo.  I'm bored again, so I got on here to write some stuff.  I should be playing
DS to catch up with Pat.  Anyway, not much is goin on.  Have fun.  Peace.


10/20/2001 - What's up, guys?   I'm      finally home for the weekend, and I must say it feels good. ; College      tends to consume many hours if not controlled.   If you aren't in the  know, there are some really cool sites on the bottom of the page.
     As you all may or may not know, the new Aphex Twin CD, Drukqs, is coming out      Wednesday, October 24th, (as well as GTA 3 for all you PS2 owners) so go buy      a copy!
     Looking back on this past month, and me being in college, it's hard to      explain all the changes that I've seen in myself and people around me.    I've met so many cool people, and learned some real nifty stuff. Being  in college is a combination of things I did and didn't expect. (Be true to yourselves, people.)
     Anyhow, I'll be updating this page more often, I promise.  Not like you  care. (A joke, I know you care.) I've updated the crap out of this page, so be sure and look around.  Until next time, party hard and      remember: "...it's better to regret something you have done, than something you      haven't done, and by the way..."


8/12/2001 - Looks like I decided to update this        page. I haven't really made any changes, and I don't really feel   like uploading any more MIDI's that you won't download.  Funny.   Anyway, this summer's been a lot of work and a very small amount of   play. I am looking forward to next year; a year of new beginnings it        will be. If you've got anything you want to ask me, you know my  email. I'm so nice I even put it on my site!  I'm gonna go     before I hurt someone.

Music Games
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