
� Pictures!!

� The Johnny Depp Page <3

� My creations

� Animations

� Hotness <3

Tom Welling-- The hottest guy EVER! Smallville RULES.

I <3 Tom


Check out all the cool new pics!

Haven't updated here in quite a while so I decided it's about time. I posted a few more icons and pictures here so check out the icons page and the creations page. I'm also planning on adding a page for stories and what not so if it's not up already check back for it. If anyone wants to take anything please credit because I've worked hard on them :-D ::.Kelso*


I made a few changes to my site... isn't it cool now? I made a banner too, and it moves! Yay for animators! All the pictures relate to me. Even the little baby, because even though I have no clue who that baby is, it reminds me of me cause its crazy. I have a picture of my kitty too. Isn't she adorable? well yea that's basically it. Hey 8th grade...yea...shake ur way...shake ur booty... ok! ahh yes. So cool. The orchestra field trip was so fun. Everybody has to meet my new best friend: Mr. Cheesecake. He is very tasty.


My birthday is coming up! YAY! Only a few more days... very cool. very cool indeed. I'm sad to say that my hamster Willy has died :'(. My very very bad kitty got him out of the cage a squished him. BAD KITTY. I can cross a whole bunch of Johnny movies off my list because they had a lot of them at the library so I checked them out. yay! Well that's pretty much all the news for now.


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