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All my drawings I have done on paint or drew by hand are here for you to take a look at. Oh yes. You can see all the works of art I have created over the years. So crazy isn't it? Enjoy :-D
I painted a picture of me on top of a photo of me... haha It is very interesting...
I pasted my head onto the body of a JROTC person to see what I would look like in the uniform. Sucks doesn't it??
I made this for the banner of my


:-D I <3 Benny and Joon (cause Johnny's in it of course)
I drew this using a how to draw funny faces book (and no I didn't trace!)
I had to draw this for a science thing in forth grade... like Mr. Lizard??
look at the cool awesome lions :-D This was a picture in a book and I drew it... and again, I didn't trace.
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