The Funky Moderate
Updated Weekly
Political Tidbits With a Moderate Slant
*ISSUE: Thus far, Hillary Clinton and the other DEM prez candidates have pledged to ease the middle class tax burden and incease taxes on the wealthy if elected.

*THE FUNK: The Funky Moderate believes a strong middle class is crucial to having a strong nation. Trickle down economics isn't very funky.
funky: adj. Slang. Eccentric in style or manner.(American Heritage Third Edition)
*ISSUE: Republican prez candidate Mitt Romney is being backed by Bob Jones, the right wing leader of Jones University, despite their religious differences.

THE FUNK: The Funky Moderate doesn't jive with Jones' far right political views, but it is comendable that Romney is slowly but surely embracing his Latter-Day Saint faith in public. No matter where you reside on the political spectrum, religious tolerance (but not intrusion) is a hallmark of this nation and Romney should not be ashamed of his religious beliefs.
*ISSUE: Pat Robertson endorses Rudy Giuliani.

*THE FUNK: Robertson and other evangelicals who currently support different GOP candidates will ultimately put their differences aside, become a unified voting block and rally around whoever runs for prez. From a moderate (or Mod) perspective, it will be interesting to see if Giuliani can retain his moderate social stances (i.e. pro-choice, gay rights, etc.) all without alienating the GOP right. Still, Giuliani or not, I think the religious right will be highly energized to vote if Hillary is the DEM candidate.
It also cannot be ignored that the GOP right also realizes that the moderate states are crucial to winning needed electoral votes. Don't discount the impact the religious right can still have on an election just yet. The tactics have changed.

*ISSUE: Hillary waffling?

*THE FUNK: Much has been written about her poor performance at the DEM debate. Critics have charged that she is ducking questions. In truth, her problems don't entirely stem from evasive responses. It's more of a strategic dillema. She's moved too fast to the center (which is ideal for a general election). This is making her (a Mod Left) an easy target from her opponents on the left. 
*ISSUE: Sen. Joseph Lieberman criticizes the Democratic prez candidates for being "paranoid"and"hyperpartisan" when it comes to the war in Iraq.
The self titled "Independent Democrat" stated that these traits could harm the DEM nominee's chances of winning the White House.

THE FUNK: For the record, The Funky Moderate doesn't support the war in Iraq. It's a costly failure of foreign policy. But as for Lieberman, you can look at him in several ways.
1. He's a stubborn politician who cannot adjust when changes are necessary (i.e. the situation in Iraq). OR
2. He should be lauded for sticking
by his position on the war despite supporting an unpopular policy led by an unpopular prez.
3. A little of both
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