check out these links!


   The following are all the links we support that we've managed to scrape together. Help us in our save-the-world endeavors at no cost to you, or just scroll down farther for some non-philanthropic fun.


The Hunger Site - This link is also a springboard to two other sites (check the top of the page once you get there). In each case, all you do is click, and there you have it, you've helped a specific cause (world hunger, child AIDS, etc). Subscribing to their newsletter means you can donate more, but it's not necessary.

Amnesty International - Amnesty is a human-rights organization that works to free political prisoners and insure human rights throughout the world. Sign a petition or get an address to write to someone to stop a specific abuse, or even just read their reports.

Amnesty International's Campaign to Stop Torture

Care2's Rainforest Site - Another click-and-donate site, this once targeted, obviously, at rainforests.

Jubilee 2000 - An organization trying to get the richer countries of the world to forgive the debts of poorer countries that owe them money. Check it out.

Child Soldiers Site - A site trying to stop children from having to become soldiers.


Okay. Time for some light-hearted just "good clean fun". (Errmm... well, mostly close to clean..) :)

Desert Songs - Ananda's site, mainly lotsa desktop pics etc. right now...

Joe the Circle - A rather fun comic. Alright, crudely drawn and occasional language, but Ananda enjoys it somehow.

Whoohoo! - Home of various British dialectizors--send an e-mail or just translate a few sentences. Can dialectize to Irish, Scottish, Yorkshire, Scouse, etc. Lots of fun!

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