Some of the models exposed in this site are already done by me , others will be , if you order one ... or if I will choose one to make for my own pleasure ... I truly hope that the models made by me will soon arrive into your homes or offices , making your life easyer and more beautiful ... I have a part of my soul in each gobelin I made and I will make , but I will gladly send them to you to light your life ... I wish all of you all the best in this life!
If you will wish to order a gobelin , there is nothing more simple and safe than the way of payment that I choosed . And I really mean it ! Because I am not expecting you to send me the money in advance by credit card or other kind of transations ... I am waiting from you to pay the money when you get the gobelin that you've asked for ... at the postal office ... by the ramburse way ...
The orders can be made by e-mailing me to the address : [email protected]
In the e-mail , I am expecting your order , a valid postal address and your name . I will answer you to let you know ( in case that the gobelin you wish is not already made ) when it can be finished and sent to you . In this case , when the gobelin will be finished , before sending it ,  I will send you another mail , to ask you if you still want it . As soon as I get your confirmation , the gobelin will be sent to you ! If the gobelin is already made , you will get my confirmation mail as a REPLY to your mail with the order . I thank you very much for your attention and I am waiting for you to visit the site again and please your eyes with this wonderful pieces of art!
The prices for the gobelins are choosed after some criterias as the dimensions , the number of colors used in the gobelin and difficulty of the model . I hope that the prices are in accordance with your ideeas ... :) 
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