About Me
Welcome To My Web Page

Welcome to my little page here.
                                                 I share my life today with my Knight in shinning armor, a true Gentleman, he�s my Romeo, my Jimmy Stewart, the man that I have always loved but never met him until two wonderful years ago.
I am the Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Tabor. Mr. Tabor went to be with his creator Feb 1992 and his loving wife, My Mother is still with us all living in Huntington Beach, CA. I was born in Orange County, CA. and grew up in Fullerton, Ca. Until the age of nine when my father took a transfer with his company to Homestead, Illinois.
I am the baby out of seven wonderful sisters and brothers. The Aunt to twelve nephews and one niece, And great Aunt to several have been blessed with two Beautiful daughters of my own. My eldest Daughter Jamie of twenty-four years lives in Miami and is perusing a double major in business administration/marketing, she is keeping a grade point average of 3.75. My youngest, my beautiful daughter Roxanne of twenty-Two years lives in Texas, She spread her wings and I have not heard from her, I keep this in the lord�s hands and pray often as I learned growing up in such a large family the important�s of prayer and strong faith in our Lord! God knows my heart and I �know� God, to me that is most important.
Today life has changed so, I have always wished we could go back in time, when life was simple, when family�s prayed together at supper, morals and family values were a symbol of pride, But in our time�s today some find themselves spending too much time in front of their TV�s rather than with their family�s, quality time, time to share conversation with your children, know what they do and �how� they are doing, know what makes them happy, know their fears and concerns, don't waste precious time you may not ever get back. I see and hear so many things from our young society and pray often for things to become better for all of us, especially our children.
I�m not a perfect woman by any means but I was taught strong Morals and values, and what values I may have forgotten for a few moments in my past, I surly have made up for with the forgiveness of my lord. We all must Love one another, and try to learn and have faith in knowing, that no matter how many tears you shed, no matter how sorry you may be for things you could not control or those you could!   The only one whose forgiveness is most important is God, he knows your heart, Just please know his.
I have a little recipe of my own in life that I would like to share; These three words all go together quit well if you follow them.

1) Communication-without that you know nothing about an individual.

2) Trust- you can�t be honest to others if you can�t be honest to yourselves first, without Trust you have nothing.

3) Love-Once you have truly conquered the first two; you will honestly know what it is to really live.

We are all individuals and have �Our� different views on life, but in my own opinion the one most important thing is what we feel in our hearts, Know what it is to know God first! Don�t take life to awfully serious, but don�t take it for granted either, Know that your Life is truly what you make of it, let yourself laugh more and even you will find it can be a great healer, Know God and his everlasting love to you, Live life to it�s fullest, Laugh a lot, and Love like it will never hurt.

Who loves you baby
My Favorite Links:
Family Photo's
Good Times
My Four Legged Loves
This Year 2003
Name: Katy
Email: [email protected]
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