
These are all the characters of HM 64 I know!! There are a lot of them! I may be updating a few at a time, so keep checking back!

From left-right, top-bottom.

Jack- This is you! You control this character throughout the 64 game!

Your dad- He comes on the first day of summer, third year, he will rate you on how well you have done. After this, you never see him again.

Ann- She lives at the Inn with her dad, Doug. She likes boiled eggs, jewelry, and I don't know what else. But I know that she really like jewelry and spa boiled eggs.

Karen- She lives at the supermarkter with her mom and dad. She still likes wine, and is a lot nicer.

Popuri- She lives at the chicken farm with her brother Rick and her mom. She like flowers and birds!

Elli- She now lives and works at the clinic with the doctor. I do not know what she likes, but I will find out.

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